Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis

Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis is a form of glomerulonephritis associated primarily with the mesangium. There is some evidence that interleukin-10 may inhibit it in an animal model. It is classified as type II lupus nephritis by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Common shorthand for the condition is MesPGN.


Mesangial cells in the renal glomerulus use endocytosis to take up and degrade circulating immunoglobulin. This normal process stimulates mesangial cell proliferation and matrix deposition. Therefore, during times of elevated circulating immunoglobulin (i.e. lupus and IgA nephropathy) one would expect to see an increased number of mesangial cells and matrix in the glomerulus. This is characteristic of nephrotic syndromes.


The clinical presentation of MesPGN is varied, although persistent or recurring microscopic or macroscopic hematuria with mild proteinuria is most common.

Studies are performed in most patients to exclude known causes. MesPGN can also be a finding in resolving postinfectious. Isolated deposits with scanty subendothelial or subepithelial (hump-like) deposits on electron microscopy may be seen in this situation indicating a likelihood of MesPGN.


Of the eleven known cases of nephrotic syndrome, three early cases went untreated. Subsequently, four were treated with steroids and four treated with steroids and cytotoxic drugs, one in each group achieved remission while the remaining patients continued to have steroid dependency or resistance. Two of these latter patients manifested steroid responsiveness, steroid resistance, and spontaneous remission at different times in their courses. Renal function remained normal in all.