Pigmented Purpuric Eruption


Gould and Farber (1966) described a family in which 6 persons in 3 generations (with 1 instance of male-to-male transmission) showed a bilaterally symmetrical pigmented and purpuric eruption beginning early in life. The condition may be the same as Schamberg (1901) disease which Baden (1964) observed in father and son. It may be the same condition as that denominated Majocchi disease by Honda et al. (1997), who described the disorder in an infant boy and his mother. The lesions were first noted in the boy on the soles of the feet 7 days after birth. The eruptions gradually increased in number on the dorsa of the feet and on the legs. He was seen at 2 months of age because of small red or brownish annular eruptions on his lower extremities. The mother had been diagnosed in the same dermatology department as having Majocchi disease at 20 years of age. Her skin lesions disappeared gradually, leaving a livedoid eruption on the legs. The lesions in Majocchi disease are described as annularly arranged telangiectases on the lower legs, with petechiae developing later at the borders of the lesions.