Elastosis Perforans Serpiginosa

This condition occurs in the Marfan syndrome, the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, osteogenesis imperfecta, pseudoxanthoma elasticum, and Down syndrome. In addition, it probably occurs as an isolated genetic trait of which the inheritance may be dominant. Langeveld-Wildschut et al. (1993) described the disorder in 2 sisters and a brother. The father and 3 paternal uncles were probably affected also. Langeveld-Wildschut et al. (1993) found reports of 5 families with a total of 15 affected persons. Of these, the cases were in 1 generation in 3 families (e.g., Klein and Newcomer, 1975) and in more than 1 generation in 2 (e.g., Obermayer and Shea, 1968).