17q12 Duplication


17q12 duplication occurs when a person has an extra copy of a portion of chromosome 17. Our genetic information is organized in structures called chromosomes. People with 17q12 duplication have an extra piece of genetic information from chromosome 17. Some people with this duplication do not have any signs or symptoms. Other people may have symptoms including intellectual disability, developmental delay, and behavioral challenges. Some people with 17q12 duplication may also have vision problems. Rarely, people with 17q12 duplication may also have other health problems, such as problems with the heart or kidneys.

17q12 duplication occurs when a portion of chromosome 17 is duplicated. When the duplication is inherited from a parent, it is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. The duplication may be suspected if a doctor sees signs and symptoms such as developmental delay, behavioral problems, and intellectual disability. Genetic testing using chromosomal microarray (CMA) may confirm the diagnosis. Treatment options may include physical, occupational, and speech therapies, as well as management by a psychiatrist or psychologist to assist with any behavioral challenges.