Brenner Tumor Of Ovary


Brenner tumor of the ovary is a solid, abnormal growth (tumor) on the ovary. Most Brenner tumors are not cancerous (benign). About 5% of Brenner tumors are cancerous (malignant) or have a small chance of spreading beyond its original location (borderline). These tumors most often occur in women after menopause. They usually do not cause symptoms unless they are very large. When symptoms are present, they may include abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding. The cause of Brenner tumors is unknown. They are usually found by accident during surgery for another reason or during a routine doctor's examination. The diagnosis is made by microscopic examination of a piece of tumor obtained by a surgical biopsy. Treatment usually consists of surgery to remove the tumor. If a Brenner tumor has not spread into surrounding tissues or to more distant parts of the body, there is a good-to-excellent long-term outcome.