Momo Syndrome


MOMO syndrome was named for the features associated with the syndrome including macrosomia (being larger than expected from birth), obesity, macrocephaly (having a large head size) and ocular (eye) abnormalities. It has also been proposed that mental (intellectual) disability may be used as an identifying feature of the syndrome instead of macrosomia, as macrosomia has not been reported in all affected individuals. MOMO syndrome is very rare, with only about a dozen reported cases in the scientific literature.

The exact cause of MOMO syndrome is unknown. One report has identified that the LINC00237 gene may be the cause of MOMO syndrome. Both autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive inheritance patterns have been suggested. MOMO syndrome is diagnosed when a doctor observes signs consistent with the syndrome. Tests may be completed to rule out other genetic syndromes. Treatment for the syndrome depends on the exact features that each person has.