Zellweger Spectrum Disorder



Clinical characteristics.

Zellweger spectrum disorder (ZSD) is a phenotypic continuum ranging from severe to mild. While individual phenotypes (e.g., Zellweger syndrome [ZS], neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy [NALD], and infantile Refsum disease [IRD]) were described in the past before the biochemical and molecular bases of this spectrum were fully determined, the term "ZSD" is now used to refer to all individuals with a defect in one of the ZSD-PEX genes regardless of phenotype.

Individuals with ZSD usually come to clinical attention in the newborn period or later in childhood. Affected newborns are hypotonic and feed poorly. They have distinctive facies, congenital malformations (neuronal migration defects associated with neonatal-onset seizures, renal cysts, and bony stippling [chondrodysplasia punctata] of the patella[e] and the long bones), and liver disease that can be severe. Infants with severe ZSD are significantly impaired and typically die during the first year of life, usually having made no developmental progress.

Individuals with intermediate/milder ZSD do not have congenital malformations, but rather progressive peroxisome dysfunction variably manifest as sensory loss (secondary to retinal dystrophy and sensorineural hearing loss), neurologic involvement (ataxia, polyneuropathy, and leukodystrophy), liver dysfunction, adrenal insufficiency, and renal oxalate stones. While hypotonia and developmental delays are typical, intellect can be normal. Some have osteopenia; almost all have ameleogenesis imperfecta in the secondary teeth.


The diagnosis of ZSD is established in a proband with the suggestive clinical and biochemical findings above by identification of biallelic pathogenic variants in one of the 13 known ZSD-PEX genes. One PEX6 variant, p.Arg860Trp, has been associated with ZSD in the heterozygous state due to allelic expression imbalance dependent on allelic background.


Treatment of manifestations: The focus is on symptomatic therapy and may include gastrostomy to provide adequate calories, hearing aids, cataract removal, glasses to correct refractive errors, supplementation of fat-soluble vitamins, and cholic acid supplementation; varices can be treated with sclerosing therapies; antiepileptic drugs, early intervention services for developmental delay and intellectual disability; adrenal replacement therapy; vitamin D supplementation and consideration of bisphosphonates for osteopenia; treatment as per dentist for ameliogenesis imperfecta. Supportive treatment for renal oxalate stones has included hydration, lithotripsy, and surgical intervention. Annual influenza and respiratory syncytial virus vaccines should be provided.

Surveillance: Growth and nutrition should be assessed at each visit. Annual audiology and ophthalmologic evaluations; annual monitoring of liver function and coagulation factors, and ultrasound and/or fibroscan to evaluate liver architecture; monitor for changes in seizure activity; head MRI to evaluate for white matter changes that may explain changes in cognitive and/or motor ability; monitor developmental progress and educational needs; ACTH and cortisol levels by age one year and annually thereafter. Dental examinations every six months. Annual urine oxalate-to-creatinine ratio with consideration of renal imaging when performing liver imaging. Assessment of family needs at each visit.

Genetic counseling.

ZSD is typically inherited in an autosomal recessive manner (one PEX6 variant, p.Arg860Trp, has been associated with ZSD in the heterozygous state). At conception, each sib of an individual with biallelic ZSD-causing pathogenic variants has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being an asymptomatic carrier, and a 25% chance of being unaffected and not a carrier. Carrier testing for at-risk relatives is possible if the pathogenic variants have been identified in an affected family member. Prenatal testing for a pregnancy at increased risk is possible by DNA testing if both ZSD-related pathogenic variants have been identified in an affected family member, or by biochemical testing if the biochemical defects have been confirmed in cultured fibroblasts from an affected family member.


Suggestive Findings

Zellweger spectrum disorder (ZSD) should be suspected in children with the following clinical and laboratory findings.

Clinical Findings

In newborns:

  • Hypotonia
  • Poor feeding
  • Distinctive facies
  • Brain malformations
  • Seizures
  • Renal cysts
  • Hepatomegaly, cholestasis, and hepatic dysfunction
  • Bony stippling (chondrodysplasia punctata) of the patella(e) and other long bones

In older infants and children:

  • Developmental delays with or without hypotonia (Note: Intellect can be normal.)
  • Failure to thrive
  • Hearing loss
  • Vision impairment
  • Liver dysfunction
  • Adrenal dysfunction
  • Leukodystrophy
  • Peripheral neuropathy and ataxia

Laboratory Findings

The screening assays for ZSD are summarized in Table 1. Note that because some individuals with ZSD do not have abnormalities of these screening assays in body fluids or cultured cells, molecular genetic testing is necessary to establish the diagnosis (see Establishing the Diagnosis). Functional testing in fibroblasts remains an ancillary tool to confirm equivocal molecular and/or biochemical results.

Table 1.

Screening Assays for Zellweger Spectrum Disorder

CompoundTestExpected FindingsLimitations of Test
C26:0 LPC 1Dried blood spot concentrations↑ C26:0-LPC concentrationsPersons w/mild ZSD may not be detected.
VLCFAPlasma concentration↑ plasma concentrations of C26:0 & C26:1; ↑ ratios of C24/C22 & C26/C22 2Non-fasting samples, hemolyzed samples, or a person on a ketogenic diet can cause false positive results.
Phytanic acid & pristanic acid 3Plasma concentration↑ concentrations of phytanic acid &/or pristanic acidBranched-chain fatty acid accumulation depends on dietary intake of phytanic acid, which is minimal in formula- & breast-fed infants. Thus, phytanic & pristanic acid levels are normal in a neonate w/ZSD.
PlasmalogensErythrocyte membrane concentrations↓ amounts of C16 & C18 plasmalogensPersons w/moderate-to-mild ZSD may have marginally↓-to-normal plasmalogen levels.
Pipecolic acidPlasma/urine concentration↑ concentration of pipecolic acid in both plasma & urineUrinary excretion of pipecolic acid is high in neonatal period but diminishes w/age. 4 Thus, urine should be tested in a neonate & plasma in an older child or adult.
Bile acidsPlasma/urine concentration↑ concentrations of C27 bile acid intermediates THCA & DHCAIn most cases plasma testing is more sensitive than urine analysis.

DHCA = dihydroxycholestanoic acid; LPC = lysophosphatidylcholine; THCA = trihydroxycholestanoic acid; VLCFA = very-long-chain fatty acids


C26:0-LPC is measured in dried blood spots (DBS) in newborn screening programs for X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) in many states in the USA [Vogel et al 2015, Moser et al 2016]. Elevated C26:0-LPC concentrations are also detected in individuals with ZSD. Clinical evaluation, molecular testing, and additional biochemical testing of newborns with elevated C26:0-LPC on DBS can help to distinguish those with peroxisomal disorders other than X-ALD.


Low plasma concentration of LDL and HDL can cause false negative results. In a person with low plasma concentrations of LDL and HDL without a defect in peroxisomal fatty acid metabolism, the plasma concentration of specific fatty acids (e.g., C22:0, C24:0, C26:0) are significantly lower than normal control levels. Persons with defects in peroxisomal fatty acid metabolism and very low LDL and HDL concentrations do not have significant elevations in C26:0 and C26:1, but do have modest elevations in the ratios of C24/C22 and C26/C22.


This analysis is usually included in VLCFA measurement.


Pipecolic acid measurement is an adjunct to more definitive biomarkers such as plasma VLCFA and erythrocyte plasmalogen levels. Elevations in pipecolic acid can also occur in pyridoxine-dependent seizures [Plecko et al 2000].

Establishing the Diagnosis

The diagnosis of ZSD is established in a proband with the suggestive clinical and biochemical findings described in Suggestive Findings by identification of biallelic pathogenic variants in one of the 13 PEX genes listed in Table 2.

Note: One PEX6 variant, p.Arg860Trp, has been associated with ZSD in the heterozygous state due to allelic expression imbalance dependent on allelic background (see Molecular Genetics).

Note: Identification of biallelic variants of uncertain significance (or identification of one known pathogenic variant and one variant of uncertain significance) in one of the 13 PEX genes listed in Table 2 does not establish or rule out the diagnosis of this disorder.

Molecular genetic testing approaches can include gene-targeted testing (multigene panel) and comprehensive genomic testing (exome sequencing, genome sequencing), depending on the phenotype.

Gene-targeted testing requires that the clinician determine which gene(s) are likely involved, whereas genomic testing does not. Individuals with the suggestive clinical and biochemical findings of ZSD described in Suggestive Findings are likely to be diagnosed using gene-targeted testing (see Option 1), whereas those with a nondistinct phenotype that does not suggest a specific diagnosis are more likely to be diagnosed using genomic testing (see Option 2). Note: Single-gene testing (i.e., sequence analysis of one of the PEX genes, followed by gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis) is rarely useful and typically NOT recommended. A multigene panel and/or exome sequencing are typically used in lieu of single-gene testing.

Option 1

A multigene panel for peroxisome biogenesis disorders that includes the 13 genes listed in Table 2 and other genes of interest (see Differential Diagnosis) is most likely to identify the genetic cause of the condition at the most reasonable cost while limiting identification of variants of uncertain significance and pathogenic variants in genes that do not explain the underlying phenotype.. Note: (1) The genes included in the panel and the diagnostic sensitivity of the testing used for each gene vary by laboratory and are likely to change over time. (2) Some multigene panels may include genes not associated with the condition discussed in this GeneReview. (3) In some laboratories, panel options may include a custom laboratory-designed panel and/or custom phenotype-focused exome analysis that includes genes specified by the clinician. (4) Methods used in a panel may include sequence analysis, deletion/duplication analysis, and/or other non-sequencing-based tests.

For an introduction to multigene panels click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genetic tests can be found here.

Option 2

When the clinical and laboratory findings in an affected individual do not lead to consideration of ZSD, comprehensive genomic testing (which does not require the clinician to determine which gene[s] are likely involved) can be the best option. Exome sequencing is most commonly used; genome sequencing is also possible.

For an introduction to comprehensive genomic testing click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genomic testing can be found here.

Table 2.

Molecular Genetic Testing Used in Zellweger Spectrum Disorder (ZSD)

Gene 1, 2% of ZSD Attributed to Pathogenic Variants in Gene 3Proportion of Pathogenic Variants 4 Detectable by Method
Sequence analysis 5, 6Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis 7
PEX160.5%~98% 8~2% 8
PEX614.5%77/77 9, 10Unknown 11
PEX127.6%43/43 9
PEX264.2%17/17 9
PEX103.4%17/18 9
PEX23.1%19/22 9
PEX52.0%13/13 9
PEX131.5%7/7 9
PEX161.1%8/8 9
PEX30.7%3/3 9
PEX190.6%3/3 9
PEX140.5%1/2 9
PEX11B0.1%1/1 12

Genes are listed from most frequent to least frequent genetic cause of ZSD.


See Table A. Genes and Databases for chromosome locus and protein.


Based on complementation studies using somatic cell hybridization and/or cDNA complementation analysis in 810 individuals with biochemical confirmation of ZSD (197 at Kennedy Krieger Institute [unpublished] and 613 reported by Ebberink et al [2011])


See Molecular Genetics for information on variants detected in these genes.


Sequence analysis detects variants that are benign, likely benign, of uncertain significance, likely pathogenic, or pathogenic. Variants may include small intragenic deletions/insertions and missense, nonsense, and splice site variants; typically, exon or whole-gene deletions/duplications are not detected. For issues to consider in interpretation of sequence analysis results, click here.


An estimate, based on the assumption that large deletions or promoter and deep intronic pathogenic variants would be missed; however, these types of variants do not appear to be common in ZSD.


Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis detects intragenic deletions or duplications. Methods used may include quantitative PCR, long-range PCR, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and a gene-targeted microarray designed to detect single-exon deletions or duplications.


This estimate is based on the number of individuals identified with a PEX1 defect, defined by having two pathogenic PEX1 variants, one of which was a deletion detected by MLPA [Molly Sheridan, PhD; Johns Hopkins DNA Diagnostic Laboratory].


Based on Ebberink et al [2011]. The numerator is the number of individuals belonging to this complementation group who had two pathogenic variants identified and the denominator is the total number of individuals belonging to this complementation group who underwent sequencing of that gene.


One PEX6 variant, p.Arg860Trp, has been associated with ZSD in the heterozygous state due to allelic expression imbalance dependent on allelic background [Falkenberg et al [2017]; see Molecular Genetics.


No data on detection rate of gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis are available.


PEX11B: single case report [Ebberink et al 2012]. Taylor et al [2017] reported five additional individuals from three families. All had congenital cataracts and other clinical features, but normal or equivocal peroxisomal biomarkers in limited testing.

Clinical Characteristics

Clinical Description

Zellweger spectrum disorder (ZSD) is defined by a continuum of three phenotypes described before the biochemical and molecular bases of these disorders had been fully determined: Zellweger syndrome (ZS), neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD), and infantile Refsum disease (IRD) [Braverman et al 2016].

The ZSD phenotypic spectrum is broad; some affected individuals have mild manifestations, mainly sensory deficits and/or mild developmental delay. Recently, individuals with normal intellect have been identified [Ratbi et al 2015, Ratbi et al 2016, Smith et al 2016] by genomic testing methods. Nonetheless, all of the peroxisome assembly disorders cause significant morbidity, frequently resulting in death in childhood.

Although the phenotypic designations listed above may be useful when evaluating undiagnosed individuals and counseling their families, one should not place too much emphasis on assigning a phenotypic label to an affected individual given that these phenotypes lie on a continuum. Thus, the terms "severe," "intermediate," and "milder" ZSD are now preferred. Because of the breadth of the phenotypic spectrum, individuals with ZSD mainly come to clinical attention in the newborn period or later in childhood. Occasionally, the subtlety of symptoms delays diagnosis until adulthood.

Newborns are hypotonic with resultant poor feeding. Neonatal seizures are frequent and caused by underlying neuronal migration defects. Liver dysfunction may be evident as neonatal jaundice and elevation in liver function tests. Distinctive craniofacial features include flat face, broad nasal bridge, large anterior fontanelle, and widely split sutures. In severely affected children, bony stippling (chondrodysplasia punctata) at the patella(e) and the long bones may be noted, as well as renal cysts.

Older children manifest retinal dystrophy, sensorineural hearing loss, developmental delay with hypotonia, and liver dysfunction. Children may first come to attention because of a failed hearing screen. Onset and severity of the hearing and visual problems vary. A few children with a clinical diagnosis of neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy had transient leopard spot pigmentary retinopathy [Lyons et al 2004]. Liver dysfunction may be first identified in children with severe bleeding episodes caused by a vitamin K-responsive coagulopathy. Older children may develop adrenal insufficiency [Berendse et al 2014] and osteopenia [Rush et al 2016].

Adults are rarely diagnosed with ZSD, but exceptions have been reported. Usually these are individuals with predominantly sensory deficits but normal neurologic development [Moser et al 1995, Raas-Rothschild et al 2002, Majewski et al 2011, Ratbi et al 2015, Ratbi et al 2016, Smith et al 2016].

Severe ZSD

Severe ZSD (previously called Zellweger syndrome [ZS]) typically presents in the neonatal period with profound hypotonia, characteristic facies, gyral malformations, seizures, inability to feed, renal cysts, hepatic dysfunction, and chondrodysplasia punctata. Infants with severe ZSD are significantly impaired and usually die during the first year of life, usually having made no developmental progress. Death is usually secondary to progressive apnea or respiratory compromise from infection.

Intermediate/Milder ZSD

Intermediate/milder ZSD (previously called neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy [NALD] and infantile Refsum disease [IRD]) may present in the newborn period, but generally comes to attention later because of developmental delays, hearing loss, and/or visual impairment. Liver dysfunction may lead to a vitamin K-responsive coagulopathy. Children have also come to attention with episodes of hemorrhage; several children have presented in the first year of life with intracranial bleeding.

The clinical course is variable: while many children are very hypotonic, many learn to walk and talk.

Intermediate/milder ZSD is a progressive disorder with hearing and vision worsening with time. Some individuals may develop progressive degeneration of CNS myelin, a leukodystrophy, which may lead to loss of previously acquired skills and ultimately death.

Children who survive the first year and who have a non-progressive course have a 77% probability of reaching school age [Poll-The et al 2004]. Some have normal intellect. They are at risk for adrenal insufficiency over time. Typically, they also have ameliogenesis imperfecta of the secondary teeth.


Individuals with atypical ZSD do not show sensory losses but have ataxia and peripheral neuropathy, and may have congenital cataracts (e.g., those with PEX2-ZSD [Sevin et al 2011], PEX11B-ZSD [Ebberink et al 2012], PEX10-ZSD [Steinberg et al 2009], PEX12-ZSD [Gootjes et al 2004], and PEX16-ZSD [Ebberink et al 2010]).

Note that although Heimler syndrome [Ratbi et al 2015, Ratbi et al 2016, Smith et al 2016] and ataxia (see Régal et al [2010], Renaud et al [2016]) have been reported as unique phenotypes associated with PEX gene defects, the authors consider them part of the ZSD continuum. In general, screening assays of individuals described as having these milder phenotypes do not show the biochemical profile typical of ZSD (Table 1).


MRI may identify cortical gyral abnormalities and germinolytic cysts that are highly suggestive of severe ZSD. Other brain MRI findings have been identified over time in individuals with milder ZSD.

In a small number of individuals with ZSD, diffusion-weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging can be used to discern white matter damage not detected by standard imaging [Patay 2005]. A demyelinating leukodystrophy can occur, but it is not clear which affected individuals are at increased risk for this development, or how it progresses in the individual.

Phenotype Correlations by Gene

Biallelic pathogenic variants in the two most commonly involved genes, PEX1 and PEX6, are associated with the full continuum of clinical phenotypes. This clinical variability, in general, is also found in individuals with biallelic pathogenic variants in PEX10, PEX12, and PEX26. Although in the past, defects in some of the less common PEX genes appeared to be associated with severe clinical phenotypes, more recently the phenotypic spectrum of defects in all PEX genes has been found to include both severely and mildly affected individuals. Overall clinical and biochemical severity appears to be most related to the genotype and not a particular PEX gene.

Genotype-Phenotype Correlations

A general relationship appears to exist among the genotype, cellular phenotype (i.e., import of peroxisomal matrix proteins), and clinical phenotype [Moser 1999]. PEX gene defects are associated with loss-of-function variants; hence, variants that abolish activity (e.g., large deletions, nonsense, frameshift variants) are most severe. In contrast, missense variants that retain some residual function have a less severe effect on peroxisome assembly; however, it should be noted that not all missense variants have residual activity.

Due to the overall rarity of ZSD the opportunities to rigorously assess genotype and phenotype are limited. The PEX1 variants p.Ile700TyrfsTer42 and p.Gly843Asp are exceptions, as hundreds of individuals homozygous or compound heterozygous for these variants have been identified (mostly in molecular research studies or clinical laboratories and not as part of a thorough natural history assessment).

  • Homozygosity for PEX1 p.Ile700TyrfsTer42 is associated with a more severe phenotype.
  • Homozygosity for PEX1 p.Gly843Asp has to date been associated with a milder ZSD phenotype and sometimes with an intermediate phenotype [Poll-The et al 2004]. In addition, an adult with a normal neurologic examination and an ocular phenotype was reported [Majewski et al 2011].


Peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBD) can be divided into two subtypes: the Zellweger spectrum disorder (ZSD) and the rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata spectrum, of which rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata type 1 (RCDP1) is one subtype. RCDP1 is caused by biallelic pathogenic variants in PEX7, the receptor that recognizes peroxisome enzymes containing peroxisomal targeting signal 2. While individuals with RCDP1 have a perturbation in matrix protein import consistent with a peroxisomal assembly defect, they have a biochemical, cellular, and clinical phenotype distinct from ZSD. (See Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata Type 1 for an in-depth description.)

ZSD has also formerly been referred to as cerebrohepatorenal syndrome, generalized peroxisomal disorders, Zellweger syndrome, neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy, or infantile Refsum disease (also known as infantile phytanic acid oxidase deficiency). Some individuals later shown to have ZSD were initially described as having hyperpipecolatemia or Heimler syndrome. The current preferred terminology is ZSD of severe, intermediate, or milder phenotype in order to recognize the common etiology, variations, and atypical presentations now being documented in individuals with biallelic pathogenic variants in any one of the 13 ZSD-PEX genes.

Of note, although Heimler syndrome [Ratbi et al 2015, Ratbi et al 2016, Smith et al 2016] and ataxia (see Régal et al [2010], Renaud et al [2016]) have been reported as unique phenotypes associated with PEX gene defects, the authors consider them part of the ZSD continuum.

Note: Refsum disease is clinically and molecularly distinct from infantile Refsum disease.


ZSD occurs worldwide with varying prevalence. In the past the incidence of ZSD had been estimated at 1:50,000 [Gould et al 2001]. More recent data from the New York state newborn screening laboratory confirmed 11 individuals with ZSD in more than 1.4 million screened for X-ALD using a biochemical assay (C26:0-LPC) that also detects ZSD (see Table 1) [Hubbard et al 2006, Hubbard et al 2009]. Thus, the confirmed incidence of ZSD in this population is 1:133,000 births [JJ Orsini, M Caggana, NY State Newborn Screening Laboratory Staff, personal communication, 2020]. Any estimate relying on a biochemical assay will be an underestimate because such assays fail to detect mild ZSD not associated with a definitive biochemical phenotype.

The main diagnostic center for peroxisomal diseases in Japan reported only 31 affected individuals over a 20-year period, with an estimated birth prevalence of 1:500,000 [Shimozawa et al 2003]. This lower incidence in Japan is mainly due to the absence of the common European PEX1 variants p.Ile700TyrfsTer42 and p.Gly843Asp.

Differential Diagnosis

The differential diagnosis of Zellweger spectrum disorder (ZSD) varies with age at presentation and most prominent feature of the presentation. ZSD in newborns is most often confused with other conditions that result in profound hypotonia including Down syndrome, other chromosome abnormalities, and the disorders summarized in Table 3.

Table 3.

Differential Diagnosis of ZSD in a Newborn with Profound Hypotonia

Gene(s) / Genetic MechanismDisorderMOI
DMPKCongenital myotonic dystrophy type 1AD
MTM1XL myotubular myopathyXL
PWCR / imprinting defectPrader-Willi syndromeSee footnote 1.
Multiminicore disease (OMIM 255320, 602771)AR
SMN1Spinal muscular atrophyAR

AD = autosomal dominant; AR = autosomal recessive; MOI = mode of inheritance; PWCR = Prader-Willi critical region; XL = X-linked


The risk to the sibs of an affected child of having PWS depends on the genetic mechanism that resulted in the absence of expression of the paternally contributed 15q11.2-q13 region.

Approximately 15% of individuals with a ZSD-like clinical phenotype and increased plasma VLCFA concentration actually have a single-enzyme deficiency of peroxisomal β-oxidation (i.e., D-bifunctional enzyme deficiency or acyl-CoA oxidase deficiency) and do not have a pathogenic variant in a PEX gene. Therefore, in children with elevated plasma VLCFA but no additional biochemical evidence of ZSD, a broader peroxisomal multigene panel that includes at least ACOX1 and HSD17B4 in addition to the 13 PEX genes is recommended.

Other differential diagnoses of peroxisomal and non-peroxisomal disorders that do not necessarily present as profound neonatal hypotonia are summarized in Tables 4a and 4b, respectively.

Table 4a.

Differential Diagnosis of ZSD – Other Peroxisomal Disorders

GeneDisorderMOIClinical FindingsBiochemical Findings
ABCD1XL adrenoleukodystrophy 1XLAffected males are almost always developmentally normal before initial presentation.↑ plasma VLCFA concentration in males; absence of other abnormalities of peroxisomes
ACBD5Retinal dystrophy w/leukodystrophy (OMIM 618863) 2ARZSD-like clinical phenotype↑ plasma VLCFA concentration, mild ↓ in plasmalogens
ACOX1Acyl-CoA oxidase deficiency (OMIM 264470) 3ARIntermediate ZSD-like clinical phenotype↑ plasma VLCFA concentration 3
DNM1LLethal encephalopathy due to defective mitochondrial peroxisomal fission 1 4 (OMIM 614388)AD