Cataract 24


Anterior polar cataracts are small opacities on the anterior surface of the lens. They usually do not interfere with vision (Moross et al., 1984).

The preferred title/symbol of this entry was formerly 'Cataract, Anterior Polar, 2; CTAA2.'


By genetic linkage analysis with microsatellite markers in a 4-generation pedigree, Berry et al. (1996) identified a locus for an autosomal dominant anterior polar cataract on 17p. A maximum lod score of 4.01 at theta = 0.05 was obtained for marker D17S849 and a maximum lod score of 4.17 at theta = 0.05 for D17S796. Multipoint analysis gave a maximum lod score of 5.2.


Hejtmancik (1998) presented a table of 9 loci, including this one, that had been implicated in nonsyndromal cataract and mapped to specific chromosomal sites.