Hamel Cerebro-Palato-Cardiac Syndrome


An X-linked intellectual disability syndrome (XLMR) characterized by intellectual deficiency, microcephaly and short stature. It belongs to the group of disorders collectively referred to as Renpenning syndrome.


The prevalence is unknown. It has been reported in a family with 2 brothers and their 2 maternal uncles who presented with severe intellectual deficiency.

Clinical description

Marked facial characteristics (abnormal ears, bulbous nose, broad nasal bridge, malar hypoplasia, small mouth, and micrognathia), cleft or highly arched palate, and atrial septal defects were observed. Three out of four patients died in infancy or early childhood. Hamel cerebro-palato-cardiac syndrome represents the more severe phenotypic variant.


The syndrome is caused by mutations in the PQBP1 gene. Expansions or reductions in the DR/ER repeat in the polar-amino-acid-rich domain (PRD) are responsible for a truncated protein that is thought to disrupt polyglutamine binding.

Genetic counseling

Hamel cerebro-palato-cardiac syndrome follows an X-linked recessive pattern of inheritance. Genetic testing is possible to identify carrier females and to inform them of the risk of passing on the gene to their offspring.