Angelman Syndrome

Clinical characteristics.
Angelman syndrome (AS) is characterized by severe developmental delay or intellectual disability, severe speech impairment, gait ataxia and/or tremulousness of the limbs, and a unique behavior with an inappropriate happy demeanor that includes frequent laughing, smiling, and excitability. Microcephaly and seizures are also common. Developmental delays are first noted at around age six months; however, the unique clinical features of AS do not become manifest until after age one year, and it can take several years before the correct clinical diagnosis is obvious.
The diagnosis of AS is established in a proband who meets the consensus clinical diagnostic criteria and/or who has findings on molecular genetic testing that suggest deficient expression or function of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele. Analysis of parent-specific DNA methylation imprints in the 15q11.2-q13 chromosome region detects approximately 80% of individuals with AS, including those with a deletion, uniparental disomy (UPD), or an imprinting defect (ID); fewer than 1% of individuals have a cytogenetically visible chromosome rearrangement (i.e., translocation or inversion). UBE3A sequence analysis detects pathogenic variants in an additional approximately 11% of individuals. Therefore, molecular genetic testing (methylation analysis and UBE3A sequence analysis) identifies alterations in approximately 90% of individuals. The remaining 10% of individuals with classic phenotypic features of AS have the disorder as a result of an as-yet unidentified genetic mechanism and thus are not amenable to diagnostic testing.
Treatment of manifestations: Routine management of feeding difficulties, constipation, gastroesophageal reflux, strabismus. Antiepileptic drugs for seizures. Physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy with an emphasis on nonverbal methods of communication, including augmentative communication aids (e.g., picture cards or communication boards) and signing. Individualization and flexibility in school settings. Sedatives for nighttime wakefulness. Thoraco-lumbar jackets and/or surgical intervention for scoliosis.
Prevention of secondary complications: Children with seizures are at risk for medication overtreatment because movement abnormalities can be mistaken for seizures and because EEG abnormalities can persist even when seizures are controlled. Sedating agents such as risperidone or other atypical antipsychotic drugs can cause negative side effects.
Surveillance: Annual clinical examination for scoliosis. Evaluation of older children for obesity associated with an excessive appetite.
Agents/circumstances to avoid: Carbamezapine, vigabatrin, and tigabine as they may exacerbate seizures.
Genetic counseling.
AS is caused by disruption of maternally imprinted UBE3A located within the 15q11.2-q13 Angelman syndrome/Prader-Willi syndrome (AS/PWS) region. The risk to sibs of a proband depends on the genetic mechanism leading to the loss of UBE3A function: typically less than 1% risk for probands with a deletion or UPD, and as high as 50% for probands with an ID or a pathogenic variant of UBE3A. Members of the mother's extended family are also at increased risk when an ID or a UBE3A pathogenic variant is present. Cytogenetically visible chromosome rearrangements may be inherited but are usually de novo. Prenatal testing for a pregnancy at increased risk is possible when the underlying genetic mechanism is a deletion, UPD, an ID, a UBE3A pathogenic variant, or a chromosome rearrangement.
Consensus criteria for the clinical diagnosis of Angelman syndrome (AS) have been developed in conjunction with the Scientific Advisory Committee of the US Angelman Syndrome Foundation [Williams et al 2006]. Several recent reviews are available [Dagli et al 2012, Thibert et al 2013, Bird 2014].
Suggestive Findings
The diagnosis of Angelman syndrome may be suggested by the following clinical and/or laboratory findings.
Clinical Findings
Newborns typically have a normal phenotype. Developmental delays are first noted at around age six months. However, the unique clinical features of AS do not become manifest until after age one year, and it can take several years before the correct clinical diagnosis is obvious.
Findings typically present in affected individuals
- Normal prenatal and birth history, normal head circumference at birth, no major birth defects
- Normal metabolic, hematologic, and chemical laboratory profiles
- Structurally normal brain by MRI or CT, although mild cortical atrophy or dysmyelination may be observed
- Delayed attainment of developmental milestones without loss of skills
- Evidence of developmental delay by age six to 12 months, eventually classified as severe
- Speech impairment, with minimal to no use of words; receptive language skills and nonverbal communication skills higher than expressive language skills
- Movement or balance disorder, usually ataxia of gait and/or tremulous movement of the limbs
- Behavioral uniqueness, including any combination of frequent laughter/smiling; apparent happy demeanor; excitability, often with hand-flapping movements and hypermotoric behavior
Findings in more than 80% of affected individuals
- Delayed or disproportionately slow growth in head circumference, usually resulting in absolute or relative microcephaly by age two years
- Seizures, usually starting before age three years
- Abnormal EEG, with a characteristic pattern of large-amplitude slow-spike waves
Findings in fewer than 80% of affected individuals
- Flat occiput
- Occipital groove
- Protruding tongue
- Tongue thrusting; suck/swallowing disorders
- Feeding problems and/or muscle hypotonia during infancy
- Prognathia
- Wide mouth, widely spaced teeth
- Frequent drooling
- Excessive chewing/mouthing behaviors
- Strabismus
- Hypopigmented skin, light hair and eye color (compared to family); seen only in those with a deletion
- Hyperactive lower-extremity deep-tendon reflexes
- Uplifted, flexed arm position especially during ambulation
- Wide-based gait with pronated or valgus-positioned ankles
- Increased sensitivity to heat
- Abnormal sleep-wake cycles and diminished need for sleep
- Attraction to/fascination with water; fascination with crinkly items such as certain papers and plastics
- Abnormal food-related behaviors
- Obesity (in the older child; more common in those who do not have a deletion)
- Scoliosis
- Constipation
See Figure 1 for clinical photographs of facial findings.

Figure 1.
Individuals depicted have a genetically confirmed diagnosis of Angelman syndrome. Happy expression and an unstable gait accompanied by uplifted arms are commonly observed. At times, the facial appearance can suggest the diagnosis, but usually facial features (more...)
Laboratory Findings
Abnormality of 15q11.2-q13 detected by chromosomal microarray (CMA) or by karyotype performed for nonspecific clinical findings is suggestive of Angelman syndrome.
Establishing the Diagnosis
The diagnosis of AS is established in a proband who meets the consensus clinical diagnostic criteria and/or who has findings on molecular genetic testing that suggest deficient expression or function of the maternally inherited UBE3A allele (see Table 1) through one of the following mechanisms:
- Abnormal methylation at 15q11.2-q13 due to one of the following:
- Deletion of the maternally inherited 15q11.2-q13 locus (which includes UBE3A)
- Uniparental disomy of the paternal chromosome 15
- An imprinting defect of the maternal chromosome 15q11.2-q13 locus
- A pathogenic variant in the maternally derived UBE3A
Molecular genetic testing approaches to establish the diagnosis can be based on either the clinical findings or the laboratory findings that suggested the diagnosis of AS.
Based on clinical findings in a symptomatic individual who has not had any prior molecular genetic testing:
- DNA methylation analysis is typically the first test ordered. Individuals with AS caused by a 5- to 7-Mb deletion of 15q11.2-q13, uniparental disomy (UPD), or an imprinting defect (ID) have only an unmethylated (i.e., "paternal") contribution (i.e., an abnormal parent-specific DNA methylation imprint). DNA methylation analysis identifies approximately 80% of individuals with AS.Note: Most commercially available DNA methylation analysis tests cannot distinguish between AS resulting from a deletion, UPD, or an ID. Further testing is required to identify the underlying molecular mechanism (see Genetic Counseling).
- If DNA methylation analysis is normal:
- Testing of UBE3A may be considered. Sequence analysis is performed first. If a pathogenic variant is not identified, gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis can be considered.
- Use of a multigene panel that includes UBE3A and other genes of interest (see Differential Diagnosis) may be considered in individuals who have features of AS and normal DNA methylation analysis. Note: The genes included and sensitivity of multigene panels vary by laboratory and over time.For an introduction to multigene panels click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genetic tests can be found here.
- More comprehensive genomic testing (when available) including exome sequencing, genome sequencing, and mitochondrial sequencing may be considered if testing of UBE3A (and/or use of a multigene panel) fails to confirm a diagnosis in an individual with features of AS.For an introduction to comprehensive genomic testing click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genomic testing can be found here.
Based on laboratory findings in an individual who has been found to have a deletion of 15q11.2-q13 through chromosomal microarray (CMA), fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), or karyotype*, perform DNA methylation analysis to determine if the deletion is on the maternally derived chromosome 15.
*Fewer than 1% of individuals with AS have a cytogenetically visible chromosome rearrangement (i.e., translocation or inversion) of one number 15 chromosome involving 15q11.2-q13.
Table 1.
Testing Used in Angelman Syndrome (AS)
Method | Genetic Mechanism Detected 1 | Total Proportion of AS Detected by Method 2 | ||||
15q11.2-q13del | UPD | ID | UBE3A seq | UBE3A del/dup | ||
DNA methylation analysis 3, 4 | X | X | X 5 | ~80% | ||
MS-MLPA 6 | X | X | X | ~80% | ||
FISH 7 | X | ~68% | ||||
CMA 8 | X | X 9 | ~68% | |||
UPD study 10 | X | ~7% | ||||
AS IC deletion analysis 11, 12 | X | ~3% | ||||
UBE3A sequence analysis | X 13 | ~11% 14 | ||||
UBE3A gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis 11, 15 | X | Rare |
IC = imprinting center; ID = imprinting defect; UPD = uniparental disomy
- 1.
See Molecular Genetics for more details.
- 2.
11% of individuals with the presumptive clinical diagnosis of AS have normal results for all testing methods described in this table.
- 3.
Individuals with AS caused by a 5- to 7-Mb deletion of 15q11.2-q13, uniparental disomy (UPD), or an imprinting defect (ID) have only an unmethylated (i.e., "paternal") contribution (i.e., an abnormal parent-specific DNA methylation imprint).
- 4.
Will not distinguish genetic mechanism
- 5.
80%-90% of IDs are thought to be epigenetic pathogenic variants occurring during maternal oogenesis or in early embryogenesis [Buiting 2010]. Characterization of the ID as either an IC deletion or epigenetic defect is available primarily through research laboratories.
- 6.
Methylation-specific multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) can test for deletion along with the methylation assay amplification [Nygren et al 2005, Procter et al 2006, Ramsden et al 2010].
- 7.
FISH analysis with the D15S10 and/or the SNRPN probe can identify the common 15q11.2-q13 deletion, but typically this deletion is not detected by routine cytogenetic analysis.
- 8.
Chromosomal microarray (CMA) has a slightly higher detection frequency than FISH and will provide detailed information regarding size of the deletion. Also, it gives information regarding deletions and duplication in the remainder of the genome.
- 9.
SNP-based chromosomal microarray may diagnose whole-chromosome and segmental uniparental isodisomies but cannot detect all instances of uniparental disomy.
- 10.
UPD is detected using polymorphic DNA markers, which requires a DNA sample from the affected individual and both parents.
- 11.
Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis detects deletions or duplications in intragenic or other targeted regions. Methods used may include quantitative PCR, long-range PCR, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and a gene-targeted microarray designed to detect single exon deletions or duplications.
- 12.
Deletion analysis of the AS imprinting center (IC) detects small deletions (6- 200-kb reported), which account for 8%-15% of all imprinting defects (IDs) [Buiting 2010]
- 13.
Sequence analysis detects variants that are benign, likely benign, of uncertain significance, likely pathogenic, or pathogenic. Variants may include small intragenic deletions/insertions and missense, nonsense, and splice site variants; typically, exon or whole-gene deletions/duplications are not detected. For issues to consider in interpretation of sequence analysis results, click here.
- 14.
Malzac et al [1998], Fang et al [1999], Lossie et al [2001]
- 15.
Although CMA usually detects large 15q11.2-q13 deletions, in rare instances CMA has detected UBE3A multiexon or whole-gene deletions [Lawson-Yuen et al 2006, Sato et al 2007].
Possible explanations for the failure to detect AS-causing genetic abnormalities in the 11% or more of individuals with clinically diagnosed AS:
- Incorrect clinical diagnosis
- Undetected pathogenic variants in the regulatory region(s) of UBE3A
- Other unidentified mechanisms or gene(s) involved in UBE3A function
Clinical Characteristics
Clinical Description
Prenatal history, birth weight, and head circumference at birth are usually normal. Young infants with Angelman syndrome (AS) may have difficulties with breast feeding or bottle feeding (as a result of sucking difficulties) and muscular hypotonia. Gastroesophageal reflux may occur.
Some infants have an apparent happy affect with excessive chortling or paroxysms of laughter. 50% of children develop microcephaly by age 12 months. Strabismus may also occur. Tremulous movements may be noted prior to age 12 months, associated with increased deep-tendon reflexes.
AS may first be suspected in a toddler because of delayed gross motor milestones, muscular hypotonia, and/or speech delay [Williams et al 2006].
Seizures typically occur between ages one and three years and can be associated with generalized, somewhat specific EEG changes: runs of high-amplitude delta activity with intermittent spike and slow-wave discharges (at times observed as a notched delta pattern); runs of rhythmic theta activity over a wide area; and runs of rhythmic sharp theta activity of 5-6/s over the posterior third of the head, forming complexes with small spikes. These are usually facilitated by or seen only with eye closure [Boyd et al 1997, Rubin et al 1997, Korff et al 2005].
Seizure types can be quite varied and include both major motor and minor motor types (e.g., petit mal, atonic) [Galván-Manso et al 2005, Pelc et al 2008a, Thibert et al 2009, Fiumara et al 2010]. Infantile spasms are rare. Nonconvulsive status epilepticus may occur [Pelc et al 2008a]. Brain MRI may show mild atrophy and mild dysmyelination, but no structural lesions [Harting et al 2009, Castro-Gago et al 2010].
The average child with AS walks between ages 2.5 and six years [Lossie et al 2001] and at that time may have a jerky, robot-like, stiff gait, with uplifted, flexed, and pronated forearms, hypermotoric activity, excessive laughter, protruding tongue, drooling, absent speech, and social-seeking behavior. 10% of children are nonambulatory.
Sleep problems are well known in individuals with AS; frequent awakening at night is common [Bruni et al 2004, Didden et al 2004]. Dyssomnias (difficulties in initiating or maintaining sleep), irregular sleep-wake cycles, disruptive night behaviors such as periods of laughter, and sleep-related seizures have been reported [Pelc et al 2008b].
Essentially all young children with AS have some component of hyperactivity; males and females appear equally affected. Infants and toddlers may have seemingly ceaseless activity, constantly keeping their hands or toys in their mouth, and/or moving from object to object. Some behaviors may suggest an autism spectrum problem but social engagement is typically good and stereotypic behaviors such as lining up of toys or fascination with spinning objects or flashing lights rarely occur [Walz 2007].
Language impairment is severe. Appropriate use of even one or two words in a consistent manner is rare. Receptive language skills are always more advanced than expressive language skills [Gentile et al 2010]. Most older children and adults with AS are able to communicate by pointing and using gestures and by using communication boards. Effective fluent use of sign language does not occur [Clayton-Smith 1993]. Relatively higher language skills can be seen in those with mosaic imprinting defects.
Pubertal onset and development are generally normal in AS. Fertility appears to be normal; procreation appears possible for both males and females. Lossie & Driscoll [1999] reported transmission of an AS deletion to a fetus by the affected mother.
Young adults appear to have generally good physical health, although seizures continue to be present throughout adulthood. Constipation is common. Many are treated for gastroesophageal reflux symptoms. Scoliosis becomes more common with advancing age [Giroud et al 2015, Larson et al 2015].
Independent living is not possible for adults with AS; many live at home or in home-like placements.
Life span data are not available, but life span appears to be nearly normal.
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations
All genetic mechanisms that give rise to AS lead to a somewhat uniform clinical picture of severe-to-profound intellectual disability, movement disorder, characteristic behaviors, and severe limitations in speech and language. However, some clinical differences correlate with genotype [Fridman et al 2000, Lossie et al 2001, Varela et al 2004, Tan et al 2011, Valente et al 2013]. These correlations are broadly summarized below:
- The 5- to 7-Mb deletion class results in the most severe phenotype with microcephaly, seizures, motor difficulties (e.g., ataxia, muscular hypotonia, feeding difficulties), and language impairment. They also have lower body mass index compared to individuals with UPD or imprinting defects [Tan et al 2011]. There is some suggestion that individuals with larger deletions (e.g., BP1-BP3 [class I; ISCA-37404] break points) may have more language impairment or autistic traits than those with BP2-BP3 (class II; ISCA-37478) break points [Sahoo et al 2006] (see Figure 2).
- Individuals with UPD have better physical growth (e.g., less likelihood of microcephaly), fewer movement abnormalities, less ataxia, and a lower prevalence (but not absence) of seizures than do those with other underlying molecular mechanisms [Lossie et al 2001, Saitoh et al 2005, Valente et al 2013].
- Individuals with IDs or UPD have higher developmental and language ability than those with other underlying molecular mechanisms. Individuals who are mosaic for the nondeletion ID (approximately 20% of the ID group) have the most advanced speech abilities [Nazlican et al 2004]; they may speak up to 50-60 words and use simple sentences.
- Individuals with chromosome deletions encompassing OCA2 frequently have hypopigmented irides, skin, and hair. OCA2 encodes a protein important in tyrosine metabolism that is associated with the development of pigment in the skin, hair, and irides. However, other factors in addition to haploinsufficiency of OCA2 appear to account for the relative hypopigmentation in individuals with AS, as UBE3A has now been shown to modulate melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) activity in somatic tissues [Low & Chen 2011].

Figure 2.
Schematic drawing of chromosome region 15q11.2-q13 indicating the breakpoint regions BP1-BP6. Low copy repeat elements (LCRs) are located within these breakpoint regions (see text for details). Approximately 90% of chromosome deletions resulting in Angelman (more...)
Inherited UBE3A pathogenic variants, IC deletions, very small 15q11.2-q13 deletions that include UBE3A [Kuroda et al 2014] and certain chromosome translocations follow an imprinting (or inheritance) pattern in which an individual who inherits a paternally transmitted pathogenic variant is asymptomatic (see Figure 3).

Figure 3.
The pedigree illustrates imprinting inheritance in AS. Inheritance of a deleterious UBE3A pathogenic variant from the male (top left, I-1) has no effect on the two children (II-2, II-4) who inherit his pathogenic variant because the mutated UBE3A has (more...)
The prevalence of AS is one in 12,000-24,000 population [Clayton-Smith & Pembrey 1992, Steffenburg et al 1996, Mertz et al 2013].
Differential Diagnosis
Infants with AS commonly present with nonspecific psychomotor delay and/or seizures; therefore, the differential diagnosis is often broad and nonspecific, encompassing such entities as cerebral palsy, static encephalopathy, or mitochondrial encephalomyopathy. The tremulousness and jerky limb movements seen in most infants with AS may help distinguish AS from these conditions.
The following disorders that mimic AS need to be considered in the differential diagnosis [Tan et al 2014]:
- Mowat-Wilson syndrome can present with happy affect, seizures, prominent mandible, upturned prominent ear lobes, diminished speech, microcephaly, constipation, and, on occasion Hirschsprung disease [Zweier et al 2005]. Congenital heart defects or agenesis of the corpus callosum can also occur. Mowat-Wilson syndrome is typically the result of a dominant de novo pathogenic variant in, or deletion of, ZEB2.
- The characteristic features of the Pitt-Hopkins syndrome (PTHS) are intellectual disability, wide mouth and distinctive facial features, and intermittent hyperventilation followed by apnea [Zweier et al 2007]. Features that may overlap with AS include microcephaly, seizures, ataxic gait, and happy personality [Takano et al 2010]. Diurnal hyperventilation, a salient feature in some, occurs after age three years [Peippo et al 2006]. PTHS is caused by haploinsufficiency of TCF4 resulting from either a pathogenic variant in TCF4 or a deletion of the chromosome region in which TCF4 is located (18q21.2). Most affected individuals reported to date represent simplex cases (i.e., a single occurrence in a family) resulting from a de novo pathogenic variant or deletion.
- Christianson syndrome can mimic AS. The clinical features include apparently happy disposition, severe cognitive delays, ataxia, microcephaly, and a seizure disorder [Christianson et al 1999, Gilfillan et al 2008, Schroer et al 2010]. Affected individuals may have a thin body appearance and may lose ambulation after age ten years. Some may have cerebellar and brain stem atrophy [Gilfillan et al 2008]. Although seizures are present in both conditions, the EEG pattern appears to differ: AS typically shows a generalized high amplitude, slow spike/wave (1.5-3 Hz) pattern while those with an SLC9A6 pathogenic variant lack the AS EEG pattern and have a more rapid (10-14 Hz) background frequency [Gilfillan et al 2008]. Christianson syndrome is an X-linked disorder caused by mutation of SLC9A6.
- Female infants with seizures, acquired microcephaly, and severe speech impairment can resemble girls with Rett syndrome. Girls with Rett syndrome usually do not have a distinctive happy demeanor and girls with AS do not have a neuroregressive course or lack purposeful use of their hands. Older girls with undiagnosed Rett syndrome may have features that resemble AS [Watson et al 2001]. Rett syndrome is an X-linked disorder caused by mutation of MECP2.
- Sometimes infants with AS who present with feeding difficulties and muscle hypotonia are misdiagnosed as having Prader-Willi syndrome because the 15q11.2-q13 deletion, detected by chromosomal microarray or FISH, was not proven by DNA methylation analysis to be of maternal origin.
- Microdeletions of 2q23.1 involving MBD5 may result in severe speech delay, seizures, behavioral disorders, and microcephaly. Some individuals present with an AS-like phenotype [van Bon et al 2010, Williams et al 2010]. See MBD5 Haploinsufficiency.
- Other chromosome disorders can mimic some of the features of AS, especially 22q13.3 deletion syndrome (Phelan-McDermid syndrome) [Precht et al 1998], characterized by nondysmorphic facial features, absent or minimal speech, and moderate to severe developmental delay, sometimes with behavioral features in the autism disorders spectrum. Additional microdeletion disorders, especially newer ones detected by chromosomal microarray, may be associated with some features of AS [Brunetti-Pierri et al 2008, Sharkey et al 2009].
- MECP2 duplication (typically encompassing an approximately 500-kb region at Xq28) in males is characterized by severe developmental impairment, absent speech, seizures, and ataxic gait with spastic paraparesis. Although adult males are typically nonambulatory and are prone to infectious illnesses, children may have relatively nonspecific findings that include features of intellectual disability with autism, absent speech, and unstable gait [Van Esch et al 2005, Friez et al 2006, Lugtenberg et al 2009]. MECP2 duplication syndrome is inherited in an X-linked manner.
- Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency (OMIM 103050) results in accumulation of succinylpurines leading to psychomotor retardation, autistic features, hypotonia, and seizures [Spiegel et al 2006]. Motor apraxia, severe speech deficits, excessive laughter, a very happy disposition, hyperactivity, a short attention span, mouthing of objects, tantrums, and stereotyped movements have been reported in female sibs [Gitiaux et al 2009]. Diagnostic testing involves detection of succinylaminoimidazole carboxamide riboside (SAICA riboside) and succinyladenosine (S-Ado) in cerebrospinal fluid, urine, and (to a lesser extent) in plasma. Adenylosuccinate lyase deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and is caused by pathogenic variants in ADSL.
- The rare metabolic disorder of severe methylene-tetrahydrofolate-reductase (MTHFR) deficiency (OMIM 236250) associated with low methionine and elevated homocysteine blood levels was reported in a boy with happy demeanor, ataxic gait, absent speech, and flattened occiput [Arn et al 1998]. MTHFR deficiency is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner and is caused by pathogenic variants in MTHFR.
- On rare occasions, congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) can mimic the features of AS especially if the affected child has unstable gait, speech impairment, and seizures.
- Kleefstra syndrome is caused by haploinsufficiency of EHMT1 on chromosome 9q34.3 [Willemsen et al 2012]. The clinical features that have been reported in both AS and Kleefstra syndrome include: moderate-to-severe intellectual disability with minimal speech; better receptive language as compared to expressive language skills; hypotonia in childhood; sleep disturbances with multiple awakenings; and midface retrusion with prognathism. Facial features that differentiate Kleefstra syndrome from AS include synophrys and everted vermilion of the lower lip. Some mildly affected individuals with Kleefstra syndrome have a greater than 100-word vocabulary and speak in sentences, which would be very unusual in an individual with AS.
- HERC2-related cognitive impairment (OMIM 615516). HERC2 is located on chromosome 15q13.1 and encodes a protein that binds to and affects the ubiquitin ligase activity of E6AP. A homozygous c.1781C>T (p.Pro594Leu) pathogenic variant in HERC2 has been identified in 22 members of four Amish families and one mixed Amish-Mennonite family who presented with global developmental delay and intellectual disability, hypotonia, delayed independent ambulation at between age 2.5 and 5 years, and a broad-based gait with arms upheld and flexed at the elbow when running [Harlalka et al 2013]. Many of these findings are reminiscent of those observed in mildly affected individuals with AS, but the lack of easily provoked laughter and the relatively mild intellectual disability in at least some of these individuals distinguish it from AS.
- WAC-related intellectual disability (ID) is caused by heterozygous pathogenic variants in WAC, a gene involved in transcriptional regulation. Most affected infants have significant but nonspecific features at birth such as neonatal hypotonia and feeding problems. The diagnosis of WAC-related ID is rarely suspected clinically; the condition is typically identified through either screening gene panels or whole-exome sequencing. The clinical features reported in both AS and WAC-related ID include intellectual disability, speech delay, sleep disorders, seizures, and craniofacial changes (e.g., relatively large mouth and prominent chin/mandible). Individuals with WAC-related ID, however, typically have less severe intellectual deficiency (mild to severe) than seen in individuals with AS (severe to profound), a larger repertoire of speech ability (e.g., usually can speak words and sentences); and a lower prevalence of seizures, and do not have microcephaly [DeSanto et al 2015, Lugtenberg et al 2016]. To date, 18 individuals have been identified with WAC-related ID.
Evaluations Following Initial Diagnosis
To establish the extent of disease and needs in an individual diagnosed with Angelman syndrome (AS), the following evaluations focused on neurologic assessment and good preventive practice are recommended:
- Baseline brain MRI and EEGNote: Typically, management of seizures (or assessment of risk for seizures) is not significantly helped by repetitive EEG or MRI testing.
- Musculoskeletal examination for scoliosis and gait impairment (e.g., extent of foot pronation or ankle subluxation; tight Achilles tendons) and the extent of muscular hypotonia; orthopedic referral as needed
- Ophthalmology examination for strabismus, evidence of ocular albinism (in deletion-positive AS), and visual acuity
- Developmental evaluation focused on: (1) nonverbal language ability and related educational and teaching strategies; and (2) physical therapy to enable optimal ambulation
- Evaluation for gastroesophageal reflux in infants and young children; dietary evaluation to assure optimal nutritional status
- Consultation with a clinical geneticist and/or genetic counselor
Treatment of Manifestations
Feeding problems in newborns may require special nipples and other strategies to manage weak or uncoordinated sucking.
Gastroesophageal reflux can be associated with poor weight gain and emesis; the customary medical treatment (i.e., upright positioning, motility drugs) is usually effective; sometimes fundoplication as required.
Many antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) have been used to treat seizures in individuals with AS; no one drug has proven superior. Medications used for minor motor seizures (e.g., valproic acid, clonazepam, topiramate, lamotrigine, ethosuximide) are more commonly prescribed than medications for major motor seizures (e.g., diphenylhydantoin, phenobarbital) [Thibert et al 2009]. Carbamezapine, although not contraindicated, is less frequently used than other common anticonvulsants. Single medication use is preferred, but seizure breakthrough is common. A few individuals with AS have infrequent seizures and are not on AEDs. Some with uncontrollable seizures have benefited from a ketogenic or low glycemic diet [Thibert et al 2012].
Hypermotoric behaviors are typically resistant to behavioral therapies; accommodation by the family and provision of a safe environment are important.
Most children with AS do not receive drug therapy for hyperactivity, although some may benefit from the use of stimulant medications such as methylphenidate (Ritalin®).
Behavioral modification is effective in treating undesirable behaviors that are socially disruptive or self-injurious.
A full range of educational training and enrichment programs should be available.
Unstable or nonambulatory children may benefit from physical therapy. Occupational therapy may help improve fine motor and oral-motor control. Special adaptive chairs or positioners may be required, especially for extremely ataxic children.
Speech therapy is essential and should focus on nonverbal methods of communication. Augmentative communication aids such as picture cards or communication boards should be used at the earliest appropriate time. Attempts to teach signing should begin as soon as the child is sufficiently attentive.
Individualization and flexibility in the school are important educational strategies.
Special physical provisions in the classroom, along with teacher aides or assistants, may be needed for effective class integration. Children with AS with excessive hypermotoric behaviors need an accommodating classroom space.
Many families construct safe but confining bedrooms to accommodate disruptive nighttime wakefulness. Administration of 0.3 mg melatonin one hour before sleep may be helpful in some, but should not be given in the middle of the night if the child awakens.
Strabismus may require surgical correction.
Constipation often requires regular use of laxatives such as high fiber or lubricating agents.
Orthopedic problems, particularly subluxed or pronated ankles or tight Achilles tendons, can be corrected by orthotic bracing or surgery.
Thoraco-lumbar jackets may be needed for scoliosis, and individuals with severe curvature may benefit from surgical rod stabilization.
Prevention of Secondary Complications
Children with AS are at risk for medication overtreatment because their movement abnormalities can be mistaken for seizures and because EEG abnormalities can persist even when seizures are controlled.
The behavioral phenotype of Angelman syndrome includes hyperexcitability, hypermotoric behaviors, and deficits in social communication. These limitations place them at risk for social disruptions. On occasion, the use of risperidone (Risperdal®) or other atypical antipsychotic drugs provides some but often limited benefit. When such drugs are needed, care must be taken to avoid over-sedation and other side effects.
Older adults tend to become less mobile and less active; attention to activity schedules may be helpful in reducing the extent of scoliosis and obesity.
The following are appropriate:
- Annual clinical examination for scoliosis
- For older children, evaluation for the development of obesity associated with excessive appetite and decreased physical activity
Agents/Circumstances to Avoid
Carbamezapine, although not contraindicated, is less frequently used than other common anticonvulsants.
Vigabatrin and tigabine (anticonvulsants that increase brain GABA levels) are contraindicated in individuals with Angelman syndrome. For unknown reasons, carbamazapine, vigabatrine, and tigabine can cause development of other seizure types or nonconvulsive status epilepticus. This paradoxic seizure development is not limited to individuals with Angelman syndrome [Pelc et al 2008a]
Evaluation of Relatives at Risk
See Genetic Counseling for issues related to testing of at-risk relatives for genetic counseling purposes.
Therapies Under Investigation
Clinical trials involving oral administration of folate, vitamin B12, creatine, and betaine have been undertaken in an attempt to augment DNA methylation pathways and possibly increase expression of the paternal UBE3A allele in the central nervous system; however, the initial trial did not demonstrate significant clinical benefit [Peters et al 2010] (see full text for more information). More recent therapeutic efforts have focused on activating the otherwise silenced paternal UBE3A allele by use of telomerase inhibitors [Huang et al 2011] and antisense oligonucleotides [Meng et al 2015].
Search in the US and EU Clinical Trials Register in Europe for access to information on clinical studies for a wide range of diseases and conditions.
Excessive tongue protrusion causes drooling; available surgical or medication treatments (e.g., surgical reimplantation of the salivary ducts or use of local scopolamine patches) are generally not effective.