21-Hydroxylase-Deficient Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia



Clinical characteristics.

21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD) is the most common cause of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a family of autosomal recessive disorders involving impaired synthesis of cortisol from cholesterol by the adrenal cortex. In 21-OHD CAH, excessive adrenal androgen biosynthesis results in virilization in all individuals and salt wasting in some individuals. A classic form with severe enzyme deficiency and prenatal onset of virilization is distinguished from a non-classic form with mild enzyme deficiency and postnatal onset. The classic form is further divided into the simple virilizing form (~25% of affected individuals) and the salt-wasting form, in which aldosterone production is inadequate (≥75% of individuals). Newborns with salt-wasting 21-OHD CAH are at risk for life-threatening salt-wasting crises. Individuals with the non-classic form of 21-OHD CAH present postnatally with signs of hyperandrogenism; females with the non-classic form are not virilized at birth.


The diagnosis of classic 21-OHD CAH is established in newborns with characteristic clinical features, elevated serum 17-OHP, and elevated adrenal androgens. The diagnosis of non-classic 21-OHD is established by comparison of baseline serum 17-OHP and ACTH-stimulated serum 17-OHP or early morning elevated 17-OHP. Identification of biallelic pathogenic variants in CYP21A2 confirms the clinical diagnosis and allows for family studies.


Treatment of manifestations: Classic 21-OHD CAH: glucocorticoid replacement therapy, which needs to be increased during periods of stress. Salt-wasting form: mineralocorticoid 9α-fludrohydrocortisone therapy and often sodium chloride. Females who are virilized at birth may require feminizing genitoplasty and/or vaginal dilation. Symptomatic individuals with non-classic 21-OHD CAH may require treatment.

Prevention of primary manifestations: Newborn screening programs aim to identify infants with classic 21-OHD CAH in order to initiate glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid treatment prior to a potentially life-threatening salt-wasting crisis.

Surveillance: Monitor:

  • Efficacy of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid replacement therapy every three to four months while children are actively growing, and less often thereafter;
  • For testicular adrenal rest tumors in males every three to five years after onset of puberty;
  • Weight, bone mineral density, fertility, cardiovascular and metabolic risks in adults.

Evaluation of relatives at risk: It is appropriate to measure 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) of at-risk sibs to facilitate early diagnosis and treatment.

Genetic counseling.

21-OHD CAH is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner. Most parents are heterozygous for a pathogenic variant. Approximately 1% of pathogenic variants are de novo; thus, 1% of probands have only one parent who is heterozygous. In some instances during evaluation of a proband, a parent not previously known to be affected may be found to have biallelic pathogenic variants and the non-classic form of 21-OHD CAH. At conception, if the parents of a proband are both known to be heterozygotes, each sib has a 25% chance of being affected, a 50% chance of being an asymptomatic carrier, and a 25% chance of being unaffected and not a carrier. Carrier testing for at-risk relatives and prenatal testing for pregnancies at increased risk are possible if the pathogenic variants in the family are known.


Suggestive Findings

21-hydroxylase-deficient congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21-OHD CAH) should be suspected in the following individuals:

  • Females who are virilized at birth, or who become virilized postnatally, or who have precocious puberty or adrenarche. Virilization affects maturation, growth (leading to tall stature), and sex hormone-sensitive areas (external genitalia, skin, and hair) (leading to secondary sexual characteristics).
  • Males with masculinization in childhood (i.e., premature adrenarche)
  • Any infant with a salt-losing crisis in the first four weeks of life. Individuals with untreated or poorly controlled salt wasting may have a decreased serum concentration of sodium, chloride, and total carbon dioxide (CO2), an increased serum concentration of potassium, and inappropriately increased urine concentration of sodium.
  • An infant with elevated 17-OHP concentration detected as positive newborn screening

Note: Females with 21-OHD CAH have a normal 46,XX karyotype; males with 21-OHD CAH have a normal 46,XY karyotype.

Newborn Screening

Newborn screening for 21-OHD CAH serves two purposes:

  • To identify infants, especially males, with the classic form of 21-OHD CAH who are at risk for life-threatening salt-wasting crises
  • To expedite the diagnosis of females with ambiguous genitalia

Note: Newborn screening rarely detects individuals with the non-classic form of 21-OHD CAH [Votava et al 2005].

For US state-by-state screening information, including states with mandated newborn screening for 21-OHD CAH, see Baby's First Test. The concentration of 17-OHP is measured on a filter paper blood spot sample obtained by the heel-stick technique as used for newborn screening for other disorders.

  • The majority of screening programs use a single screening test without retesting of samples with questionable 17-OHP concentrations. See Speiser et al [2010] (full text).
  • To improve efficacy of screening, some screening programs reevaluate samples with borderline first-tier test results with a second-tier test and some implement repeat screening in this situation [Sarafoglou et al 2012, Chan et al 2013]. Because of the high false-positive rate of immunoassay methods, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry was recommended as a second-tier test [Speiser et al 2010]. Some programs measure the concentration of different hormones (17-OHP, 21-deoxycortisol, and cortisol) as a second-tier test on samples with a positive first-tier test result [Janzen et al 2007]. Some US states mandate organic solvent extraction prior to immunoassay of dried blood spots in order to increase specificity.

Note: (1) Results on blood samples taken in the first 24 hours of life are elevated in all infants and may give false-positive results. (2) False-positive results may also be observed in low birth-weight infants or premature infants. Therefore, birth weight- or gestational age-adjusted normative data is used to determine if a test result is screen positive. (3) False-negative results may be observed in neonates receiving dexamethasone for management of unrelated problems.

Establishing the Diagnosis

21-OHD CAH. The diagnosis is established in a newborn with the following laboratory findings:

  • Serum 17-OHP is markedly elevated.
  • Adrenal androgens are elevated; Δ4-androstenedione, 21 deoxycortisol, and progesterone are increased in males and females with 21-OHD CAH; Testosterone and adrenal androgen precursors (Δ4-androstenedione, DHEA) are increased in affected females and prepubertal males.
  • Plasma renin activity is markedly elevated in individuals with the salt-wasting form of 21-OHD CAH.
    Note: In individuals with the salt-wasting form of 21-OHD CAH, the serum concentration of aldosterone is inappropriately low compared to the level of plasma renin activity (PRA) elevation. A reduced ratio of aldosterone to PRA indicates impaired aldosterone synthesis and can differentiate those individuals with the salt-wasting form of CAH from those with the simple virilizing form of CAH after the newborn period [Nimkarn et al 2007].
  • Identification of biallelic pathogenic variants in CYP21A2 (see Table 2)

Non-classic 21-OHD CAH. The diagnosis is established in a proband based on the results of ONE of the two following laboratory tests (see Figure 1 and Table 1):

Figure 1. . 17-OHP nomogram for the diagnosis of steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency (60-minute Cortrosyn™ stimulation test).

Figure 1.

17-OHP nomogram for the diagnosis of steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency (60-minute Cortrosyn™ stimulation test). The data for this nomogram was collected between 1982 and 1991 at the Department of Pediatrics, the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical (more...)

  • 60-minute ACTH stimulation test. The serum concentration of 17-OHP measured at baseline and at 60 minutes after intravenous injection of a standard 250-µg bolus of synthetic ACTH (Cortrosyn™) are plotted on the nomogram in Figure 1.
  • 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP). A single early-morning (<8AM) measurement of plasma 17-OHP concentration (baseline values in affected individuals are not always elevated; see Table 1)
    Note: Normal ranges of 17-OHP for gender and pubertal status vary by laboratory, reflecting the methods used. In adult females, normal ranges depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle.

Table 1.

Diagnosis of 21-OHD CAH after Infancy Based on 17 OHP Levels

Classic FormNon-Classic FormUnaffected
Baseline 17-OHP level>10,000 ng/dL or 300 nmol/L200-10,000 ng/dL or 6-300 nmol/L 1<200 ng/dL or 6 nmol/L 1
17-OHP level after ACTH stimulation>10,000 ng/dL or 300 nmol/L1,000-10,000 ng/dL or 31-300 nmol/L<1,000 ng/dL or 50 nmol/L

Modified from Speiser et al [2010]


Randomly measured 17-OHP can be normal in the non-classic form.

Molecular testing. Identification of biallelic pathogenic variants in CYP21A2 (see Table 2) confirms the diagnosis and allows for family studies. Molecular testing approaches can include single-gene testing, use of a multigene panel, and more comprehensive genomic testing:

  • Single-gene testing. Sequence analysis of CYP21A2 is performed first and followed by gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis if only one or no pathogenic variant is found.
    Note: A large-scale gene conversion (see Molecular Genetics) can replace a large segment of functional CYP21A2 sequence with a segment of the CYP21A1P pseudogene that is nonfunctional as a result of more than one deleterious variant [Mao et al 2002]. Thus, when targeted analysis detects multiple pathogenic variants, it is possible that the pathogenic variants are either in trans configuration (i.e., are on separate chromosomes, one inherited from each parent) or in cis configuration (i.e., are on the same chromosome and thus represent only one mutated allele rather than two; most likely arising from gene conversion). To avoid diagnostic errors, studying both parents as well as the proband is recommended to confirm the pathogenic variants and to determine if they are in cis configuration or trans configuration.
  • A multigene panel that includes CYP21A2 and other genes of interest (see Differential Diagnosis) may also be considered. Note: (1) The genes included in the panel and the diagnostic sensitivity of the testing used for each gene vary by laboratory and are likely to change over time. (2) Some multigene panels may include genes not associated with the condition discussed in this GeneReview; thus, clinicians need to determine which multigene panel is most likely to identify the genetic cause of the condition at the most reasonable cost while limiting identification of variants of uncertain significance and pathogenic variants in genes that do not explain the underlying phenotype. (3) In some laboratories, panel options may include a custom laboratory-designed panel and/or custom phenotype-focused exome analysis that includes genes specified by the clinician. (4) Methods used in a panel may include sequence analysis, deletion/duplication analysis, and/or other non-sequencing-based tests.
    For an introduction to multigene panels click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genetic tests can be found here.
  • More comprehensive genomic testing (when available) including exome sequencing, genome sequencing, and mitochondrial sequencing may be considered if serial single-gene testing (and/or use of a multigene panel) fails to confirm a diagnosis in an individual with features of 21-OHD CAH.
    For an introduction to comprehensive genomic testing click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genomic testing can be found here.

Table 2.

Molecular Genetic Testing Used in 21-Hydroxylase-Deficient Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

Gene 1MethodProportion of Probands with Pathogenic Variants 2 Detectable by Method
CYP21A2Sequence analysis 3~70%-80% 4
Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis 5~20%-30% 6

See Table A. Genes and Databases for chromosome locus and protein.


See Molecular Genetics for information on allelic variants detected in this gene.


Sequence analysis detects variants that are benign, likely benign, of uncertain significance, likely pathogenic, or pathogenic. Pathogenic variants may include small intragenic deletions/insertions and missense, nonsense, and splice site variants; typically, exon or whole-gene deletions/duplications are not detected. For issues to consider in interpretation of sequence analysis results, click here.


The majority of individuals from heterogeneous populations with 21-OHD CAH are compound heterozygotes [Krone et al 2000, New et al 2013].


Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis detects intragenic deletions or duplications. Methods used may include quantitative PCR, long-range PCR, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and a gene-targeted microarray designed to detect single-exon deletions or duplications.


Approximately 20% of mutated alleles are deleted for a 30-kb gene segment that encompasses the 3' end of the CYP21A1P pseudogene, all of the adjacent C4B complement gene, and the 5' end of CYP21A2 (see Molecular Genetics).

Clinical Characteristics

Clinical Description

21-hydroxylase-deficient congenital adrenal hyperplasia (21-OHD CAH) occurs in a classic form and a non-classic form (Table 3).

In classic 21-OHD CAH prenatal exposure to potent androgens such as testosterone and Δ4-androstenedione at critical stages of sexual development virilizes the external genitalia of genetic females, often resulting in genital ambiguity at birth. The classic form is further divided into the simple virilizing form (~25% of individuals) and the salt-wasting form, in which aldosterone production is inadequate (≥75% of individuals). Newborns with salt-wasting CAH caused by 21-OHD CAH are at risk for life-threatening salt-wasting crises.

Individuals with the non-classic form of 21-OHD CAH have only moderate enzyme deficiency and present postnatally with signs of hyperandrogenism; females with the non-classic form are not virilized at birth.

Table 3.

Clinical Features in Individuals with Classic and Non-Classic 21-OHD CAH

Feature21-OHD CAH
Prenatal virilizationPresent in femalesAbsent
Postnatal virilizationMales and femalesVariable
Salt wasting~75% of all individualsAbsent
Cortisol deficiency~100%Rare

Classic Simple Virilizing 21-OHD CAH

Excess adrenal androgen production in utero results in genital virilization at birth in 46,XX females. In affected females, the excess androgens result in varying degrees of enlargement of the clitoris, fusion of the labioscrotal folds, and formation of a urogenital sinus. Because anti-müllerian hormone (AMH) is not secreted, the müllerian ducts develop normally into a uterus and fallopian tubes in affected females. It is not possible to distinguish between classic simple virilizing 21-OHD CAH and classic salt-wasting 21-OHD CAH based solely on the degree of virilization of an affected female at birth.

After birth, both females and males with classic simple virilizing 21-OHD CAH who do not receive glucocorticoid replacement therapy develop signs of androgen excess including precocious development of pubic and axillary hair, acne, rapid linear growth, and advanced bone age. Untreated males have progressive penile enlargement and small testes. Untreated females have clitoral enlargement, hirsutism, male pattern baldness, menstrual abnormalities, and reduced fertility.

The initial growth in the young child with untreated 21-OHD CAH is rapid; however, potential height is reduced and short adult stature results from premature epiphyseal fusion. Even if treatment with cortisol replacement therapy begins at an early age and secretion of excess adrenal androgens is controlled, individuals with 21-OHD CAH do not generally achieve the expected adult height. Bone age may be advanced compared to chronologic age.

Pubertal development. In boys and girls with proper glucocorticoid therapy and suppression of excessive adrenal androgen production, onset of puberty usually occurs at the appropriate chronologic age. However, exceptions occur even among individuals in whom the disease is well controlled [Trinh et al 2007].

It should be noted that in some previously untreated children, the start of glucocorticoid replacement therapy triggers true precocious puberty. This central precocious puberty may occur when glucocorticoid treatment releases the hypothalamic pituitary axis from inhibition by estrogens derived from excess adrenal androgen secretion.

Fertility. For most females who are adequately treated, menses are normal after menarche and pregnancy is possible [Lo et al 1999]. Overall fertility rates, however, are reported to be low. Reported reasons include inadequate vaginal introitus leading to unsatisfactory intercourse, pain with vaginal penetration [Gastaud et al 2007], elevated androgens leading to ovarian dysfunction, and psychosexual behaviors around gender identity and selection of sexual partner(s). Chronic anovulation, elevated progestin levels, and aberrant endometrial implantation have also been identified as reasons for subfertility [Witchel 2012].

In males, the main cause of subfertility is the presence of testicular adrenal rest tumors, which are thought to originate from aberrant adrenal tissue. In addition, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism may result from suppression of LH secretion by the pituitary by excessive adrenal androgens and their aromatization products [Ogilvie et al 2006a].

Adrenal medulla. In individuals with classic 21-OHD CAH, deficiency of cortisol also affects the development and functioning of the adrenal medulla, resulting in lower epinephrine and metanephrine concentrations than those found in unaffected individuals [Merke et al 2000].

Classic salt-wasting 21-OHD CAH. When the loss of 21-hydroxylase function is severe, adrenal aldosterone secretion is insufficient for sodium reabsorption by the distal renal tubules, resulting in salt wasting as well as cortisol deficiency and androgen excess. Infants with renal salt wasting have poor feeding, weight loss, failure to thrive, vomiting, dehydration, hypotension, hyponatremia, and hyperkalemic metabolic acidosis progressing to adrenal crisis (azotemia, vascular collapse, shock, and death). Adrenal crisis can occur as early as age one to four weeks.

Affected males who are not detected in a newborn screening program are at high risk for a salt-wasting adrenal crisis because their normal male genitalia do not alert medical professionals to their condition; they are often discharged from the hospital after birth without diagnosis and experience a salt-wasting crisis at home. Conversely, the ambiguous genitalia of females with the salt-wasting form usually prompts early diagnosis and treatment.

Although an overt salt-wasting crisis classifies the child as a salt waster, some degree of aldosterone deficiency, determined by the adrenal capacity to produce aldosterone in response to renin stimulation, was found in all forms of 21-OHD CAH [Nimkarn et al 2007].

Non-Classic 21-OHD CAH

Non-classic 21-OHD CAH may present at any time postnatally, with symptoms of androgen excess including acne, premature development of pubic hair, accelerated growth, advanced bone age, and as in classic 21-OHD CAH, reduced adult stature as a result of premature epiphyseal fusion [New 2006]. The mildly reduced synthesis of cortisol observed in individuals with non-classic 21-OHD CAH is not clinically significant.

Females with non-classic 21-OHD CAH. It is difficult to predict which affected women will show signs of virilization [Kashimada et al 2008]. Females with non-classic 21-OHD CAH are born with normal genitalia; postnatal symptoms may include hirsutism, frontal baldness, delayed menarche, menstrual irregularities, and infertility. Approximately 60% of adult women with non-classic 21-OHD CAH have hirsutism only; approximately 10% have hirsutism and a menstrual disorder; and approximately 10% have a menstrual disorder only. Many women with non-classic 21-OHD CAH develop polycystic ovaries. Non-classic 21-OHD CAH was identified in 2.2%-10% of women with hyper-androgenism [New 2006, Escobar-Morreale et al 2008, Fanta et al 2008]. The fertility rate among untreated women is reported to be 50% [Pang 1997].

Males with non-classic 21-OHD CAH. Little has been published about males with non-classic 21-OHD CAH. They may have early beard growth and an enlarged phallus with relatively small testes. Typically, they do not have impaired gonadal function; they tend to have normal sperm counts [New 2006]. Bilateral adrenocortical incidentoma was reported as the sole finding in an adult male with non-classic CAH [Nigawara et al 2008].

Gender role behavior. Prenatal androgen exposure in females with classic forms of 21-OHD CAH has a virilizing effect on the external genitalia and childhood behavior. Changes in childhood play behavior correlated with reduced female gender satisfaction and reduced heterosexual interest in adulthood. Affected adult females are more likely to have gender dysphoria, and experience less heterosexual interest and reduced satisfaction with the assignment to the female sex. Prenatal androgen exposure correlates with a decrease in self-reported femininity by adult females, but not an increase in self-reported masculinity by adult females [Long et al 2004].

The rates of bisexual and homosexual orientation, which were increased in women with all forms of 21-OHD CAH, were found to correlate with the degree of prenatal androgenization. Bisexual/homosexual orientation was correlated with global measures of masculinization of nonsexual behavior and predicted independently by the degree of both prenatal androgenization and masculinization of childhood behavior [Meyer-Bahlburg et al 2008].

In contrast, males with 21-OHD CAH do not show a general alteration in childhood play behavior, core gender identity, or sexual orientation [Hines et al 2004].

Pathogenesis. When the function of 21-hydroxylating cytochrome 450 is inadequate, the cortisol production pathway is blocked, leading to the accumulation of 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP). The excess 17-OHP is shunted into the intact androgen pathway where the 17,20-lyase enzyme converts the 17-OHP to Δ4-androstenedione, which is converted into androgens. Since the mineralocorticoid pathway requires minimal 21-hydroxylase activity, mineralocorticoid deficiency (salt wasting) is a feature of the most severe form of the disease.

The lack of steroid product impairs the negative feedback control of adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) secretion from the pituitary, leading to chronic stimulation of the adrenal cortex by ACTH, resulting in adrenal hyperplasia.

Genotype-Phenotype Correlations

A study by New et al [2013] that included the largest cohort of individuals with 21-OHD CAH demonstrated that the predictability of phenotype was less certain than previously thought. A direct genotype-phenotype correlation was found in approximately 50% of genotypes. The most unreliable predictions occurred in the simple virilizing form, where a wide phenotypic variety was observed with the same genotype. However, a strong correlation was noted for some genotypes that were exclusively found in salt-wasting and non-classic forms. For example, the Val281Leu pathogenic variant is exclusively associated with the non-classic form. In individuals with this form, the phenotype reflected the pathogenic variant with the less severe phenotypic effect of the two alleles.

Alleles can be grouped as severe or mild, based on residual enzyme activity (Table 4).

  • Salt-wasting 21-OHD CAH usually has the most severe pathogenic variants (e.g., homozygous deletions).
  • Non-classic 21-OHD CAH usually has one mild allele or both mild alleles.

In the context of prenatal diagnosis, it is important to distinguish classic and non-classic genotypes in order to determine the need to offer prenatal treatment.

  • In families in which the proband is a virilized female, predicting the risk of genital virilization in subsequent affected female fetuses is feasible.
  • In families in which the proband is a male, predicting the risk of genital virilization in subsequent affected female fetuses based on genotype is less reliable.

Classic 21-OHD CAH. The genotype for the classic form of 21-OHD CAH is predicted to be a severe pathogenic variant on both CYP21A2 alleles, with completely abolished enzyme activity determined by in vitro expression studies.

Note: The single-nucleotide variants c.293-13A>G or c.293-13C>G, among the most frequent pathogenic variants in classic 21-OHD CAH, cause premature splicing of the intron and a shift in the translational reading frame. Although most individuals (>90%) who are homozygous for one of these pathogenic variants have salt-wasting 21-OHD CAH, variation in severity of salt wasting is observed. This genotype-phenotype non-concordance can be explained by increased alternate splicing that can occur when the normal splicing is abolished by the splice site variant, allowing some protein production but with variable activity [Higashi et al 1988].

Among affected individuals who were compound heterozygotes for the pathogenic single-nucleotide variant p.Ile173Asn and a second severe variant, 76% had the simple virilizing phenotype while 23% had the salt wasting phenotype [New et al 2013]. It is postulated that subtle variations in transcription regulation or downstream protein translation may account for reduced 21-OH enzyme activity.

Non-classic 21-OHD CAH. Individuals with non-classic CAH are predicted to have two mild variants or one mild and one severe variant. Approximately two-thirds of individuals with non-classic 21-OHD CAH are compound heterozygotes. Pathogenic missense variants p.Pro31Leu in exon 1 and p.Val282Leu in exon 7 reduce enzyme activity and are generally associated with this form of the disease. However, variation in the phenotype associated with one mild variant can be observed:

  • In a small number (<3%) of affected individuals with the p.Val282Leu or p.Pro31Leu pathogenic variant and a severe variant, the classic phenotype was observed when a non-classic phenotype was expected.
  • In a very small percentage of affected individuals with the p.Ile173Asn pathogenic variant and a severe variant, the non-classic phenotype (rather than the expected classic phenotype) was observed [Stikkelbroeck et al 2003].

Table 4.

Grouping of Common CYP21A2 Pathogenic Variants by Residual Enzyme Activity

Enzyme ActivityPhenotypeCYP21A2 Pathogenic Variant
Whole-gene deletion (null variant)
Large-gene conversion
<1% 1c.293-13A>G
~20%-50%Mild (non-classic)p.Pro31Leu

From Krone et al [2000]


Minimal residual activity

Contiguous gene deletion. A contiguous gene deletion involving CYP21A2 and TNX led to a combination of Ehler-Danlos syndrome, hypermobility type and 21-OHD CAH [Burch et al 1997, Schalkwijk et al 2001].


Terms used in the past for 21-OHD CAH include adrenogenital syndrome (AG syndrome) and congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia.

The non-classic form of 21-OHD CAH was previously referred to as the "attenuated" or "late-onset" form.

The salt-wasting form of 21-OHD CAH has also been called "salt-losing CAH."


Classic 21-OHD CAH. Analysis of data from almost 6.5 million newborns screened in different populations worldwide has demonstrated an overall incidence of 1:15,000 live births for the classic form of 21-OHD [van der Kamp & Wit 2004].

Prevalence in specific populations:

  • 1:300 in Yup'ik Eskimos of Alaska
  • 1:5,000 in Saudi Arabia
  • 1:10,000-1:16,000 in Europe and North America
  • 1:21,000 in Japan
  • 1:23,000 in New Zealand

Non-classic 21-OHD CAH. The prevalence of non-classic 21-OHD CAH in the general heterogeneous population of New York City was estimated at 1:100. The highest ethnic-specific non-classic disease prevalence (1:27) is found among Ashkenazi Jews. Other ethnic groups exhibiting high non-classic disease prevalence are: Hispanics (1:40), Slavs (1:50), and Italians (1:300) [Speiser et al 1985].

Differential Diagnosis

The production of cortisol in the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex occurs in five major enzyme-mediated steps. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) results from deficiency in any one of these enzymes; impaired cortisol synthesis leads to chronic elevations of ACTH and overstimulation of the adrenal cortex resulting in hyperplasia. The five forms of CAH are summarized in Table 5. Impaired enzyme function at each step of adrenal cortisol biosynthesis leads to a unique combination of retained precursors and deficient products. The most common enzyme deficiency, accounting for more than 90% of all CAH, is 21-hydroxylase deficiency (21-OHD).

Table 5.

Enzyme Deficiencies Resulting in CAH

% of CAHDeficient EnzymeSubstrateProductAndrogenMineralo-corticoid
Unknown 1Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR)--Mediates cholesterol transport across mitochondrial membraneDeficiency 2Deficiency 3
Unknown 13β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD)Pregnenolone,
17-OH pregnenolone,
Δ 4-androstenedione
Deficiency 2Deficiency 3
Unknown 117α-hydroxylasePregnenolone17-OH pregnenoloneDeficiency 2Excess 4
Progesterone17-OH (17-OHP)
>90%21-hydroxylaseProgesteroneDeoxycorticosterone (DOC)Excess 5Deficiency 3
17-hydroxy progesterone11-deoxycortisol
5%11β-hydroxylaseDeoxycorticosteroneCorticosteroneExcess 5Excess 4

Unknown because of rarity of disease


Males undervirilized at birth


Associated with salt wasting


Associated with hypertension


Females virilized at birth or later

Non-classic 21-OHD CAH should be considered in females