Stratton-Parker Syndrome


Stratton and Parker (1989) described a 17-month-old boy with short stature due to growth hormone deficiency, wormian bones, brachycamptodactyly, midshaft hypospadias, hypoplastic left kidney, and imperforate anus. Gabrielli et al. (1994) described a 10-year-old boy with short stature due to growth hormone deficiency and other features which they thought represented the same disorder as that reported by Stratton and Parker (1989). There is no suggestion as to the genetics of the disorder. Both were isolated cases, the offspring of healthy, nonconsanguineous parents. The older patient had a curious hemimegalencephaly with unilateral enlargement of the ventricle.

Spadoni et al. (2004) reported a boy with isolated growth hormone deficiency, body asymmetry, and brachycamptodactyly, in whom anorectal agenesis and cryptorchidism were detected at birth. The authors proposed that this association of growth hormone deficiency with intestinal, genital, and limb abnormalities represents another case of Stratton-Parker syndrome.