Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2


Clinical characteristics.

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) includes the following phenotypes: MEN 2A, FMTC (familial medullary thyroid carcinoma, which may be a variant of MEN 2A), and MEN 2B. All three phenotypes involve high risk for development of medullary carcinoma of the thyroid (MTC); MEN 2A and MEN 2B involve an increased risk for pheochromocytoma; MEN 2A involves an increased risk for parathyroid adenoma or hyperplasia. Additional features in MEN 2B include mucosal neuromas of the lips and tongue, distinctive facies with enlarged lips, ganglioneuromatosis of the gastrointestinal tract, and a marfanoid habitus. MTC typically occurs in early childhood in MEN 2B, early adulthood in MEN 2A, and middle age in FMTC.


The diagnosis of MEN 2 is established in a proband who fulfills existing clinical diagnostic criteria. Molecular genetic testing to identify a heterozygous germline RET pathogenic variant is indicated in all individuals with a diagnosis of primary C-cell hyperplasia or MTC or a clinical diagnosis of MEN 2. Identification of a heterozygous germline RET pathogenic variant on molecular genetic testing establishes the diagnosis if clinical features are inconclusive.


Treatment of manifestations: Treatment for MTC is surgical removal of the thyroid gland and lymph node dissection. External beam radiation therapy or intensity-modulated radiation therapy can be considered for advanced locoregional disease. Kinase inhibitors may be used in metastatic MTC. Pheochromocytomas detected by biochemical testing and radionuclide imaging are removed by adrenalectomy. Primary hyperparathyroidism is treated with surgery to remove one or more parathyroid glands, or more rarely, with medications to reduce parathyroid hormone secretion.

Prevention of primary manifestations: Prophylactic thyroidectomy for individuals with an identified germline RET pathogenic variant.

Prevention of secondary complications: Prior to any surgery in an individual with MEN 2A or MEN 2B, the presence of a functioning pheochromocytoma should be excluded by appropriate biochemical screening.

Surveillance: Annual measurement of serum calcitonin concentration to detect residual or recurrent MTC after thyroidectomy, even if thyroidectomy was performed prior to biochemical evidence of disease. Monitoring for possible hypoparathyroidism in all those who have undergone thyroidectomy and parathyroid autotransplantation. Annual biochemical screening for those with a germline RET pathogenic variant whose initial screening results are negative for pheochromocytoma.

Agents/circumstances to avoid: Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists and β-adrenergic receptor antagonists present a high risk for adverse reactions in individuals with pheochromocytoma.

Evaluation of relatives at risk: RET molecular genetic testing should be offered to all at-risk members of kindreds in which a germline RET pathogenic variant has been identified.

Pregnancy management: Women with MEN 2 should be screened for pheochromocytoma prior to a planned pregnancy or as early as possible during an unplanned pregnancy.

Genetic counseling.

All MEN 2 phenotypes are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. The probability of a de novo pathogenic variant is 5% or less in index cases with MEN 2A and 50% in index cases with MEN 2B. Offspring of affected individuals have a 50% chance of inheriting the pathogenic variant. Prenatal testing for pregnancies at increased risk is possible if the RET pathogenic variant has been identified in an affected family member.


Clinical diagnostic criteria for multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) have been published [Kloos et al 2009]; see Establishing the Diagnosis.

Suggestive Findings

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) includes the phenotypes MEN 2A; familial medullary thyroid carcinoma (FMTC), which may itself be a variant of MEN 2A; and MEN 2B.

MEN 2A should be suspected in individuals with one or more specific endocrine tumors: medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), pheochromocytoma, or parathyroid adenoma/hyperplasia.

FMTC should be suspected in families with more than one individual diagnosed with MTC in the absence of pheochromocytoma or parathyroid adenoma/hyperplasia.

MEN 2B should be suspected in individuals with distinctive facies including lip mucosal neuromas resulting in thick vermilion of the upper and lower lip, mucosal neuromas of the lips and tongue, medullated corneal nerve fibers, marfanoid habitus, and MTC.

Establishing the Diagnosis

The diagnosis of MEN 2 is established in a proband with the following clinical criteria. Identification of a heterozygous germline RET pathogenic variant by molecular genetic testing (see Table 1) establishes the diagnosis if clinical features are inconclusive.

Clinical criteria, as outlined by Kloos et al [2009]:

  • MEN 2A is diagnosed clinically by the occurrence of two or more specific endocrine tumors (medullary thyroid carcinoma [MTC], pheochromocytoma, or parathyroid adenoma/hyperplasia) in a single individual or in close relatives.
  • FMTC is diagnosed in families with four or more cases of MTC in the absence of pheochromocytoma or parathyroid adenoma/hyperplasia.
  • MEN 2B is diagnosed clinically by the presence of early-onset MTC, mucosal neuromas of the lips and tongue, as well as medullated corneal nerve fibers, distinctive facies with enlarged lips, and an asthenic, marfanoid body habitus.

When the phenotypic and laboratory findings suggest the diagnosis of MEN 2, molecular genetic testing approaches can include single-gene testing or use of a multigene panel.

Single-gene testing. Sequence analysis of RET detects small intragenic deletions/insertions and missense, nonsense, and splice site variants; typically, exon or whole-gene deletions/duplications are not detected.

  • Select-exon testing. The majority of pathogenic variants occur in exons 10, 11, and 13-16 (Table 3). Sequence analysis of select exons and targeted analysis for pathogenic variants may be offered by some laboratories.
    If no pathogenic variant is found by select-exon testing, full-gene sequencing of RET as part of a multigene panel should be considered next.
    Note: Since MEN 2 occurs through a gain-of-function mechanism and large intragenic deletion or duplication has not been reported, testing for intragenic deletions or duplications is not indicated.

A cancer predisposition multigene panel that includes RET and other genes of interest (see Differential Diagnosis) is most likely to identify the genetic cause of the condition at the most reasonable cost while limiting identification of variants of uncertain significance and pathogenic variants in genes that do not explain the underlying phenotype. Note: (1) The genes included in the panel and the diagnostic sensitivity of the testing used for each gene vary by laboratory and are likely to change over time. (2) Some multigene panels may include genes not associated with the condition discussed in this GeneReview. (3) In some laboratories, panel options may include a custom laboratory-designed panel and/or custom phenotype-focused exome analysis that includes genes specified by the clinician. (4) Methods used in a panel may include sequence analysis, deletion/duplication analysis, and/or other non-sequencing-based tests.

For an introduction to multigene panels click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genetic tests can be found here.

Table 1.

Molecular Genetic Testing Used in MEN 2

Gene 1Method 2Proportion of Probands with a Pathogenic Variant 3 Detectable by Method
RETSequence analysis 4, 5>98% 6, 7>95% 6, 8>98% 9
Sequence analysis of select exons98% 6, 1095% 6, 8
Targeted analysis for pathogenic variants 1198% 9

See Table A. Genes and Databases for chromosome locus and protein.


Since MEN 2 occurs through a gain-of-function mechanism, gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis (such as quantitative PCR, long-range PCR, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification [MLPA], and gene-targeted microarray designed to detect single-exon deletions or duplications to detect intragenic deletions or duplications) is not indicated.


See Molecular Genetics for information on allelic variants detected in this gene.


Sequence analysis detects variants that are benign, likely benign, of uncertain significance, likely pathogenic, or pathogenic. Pathogenic variants may include small intragenic deletions/insertions and missense, nonsense, and splice site variants; typically, exon or whole-gene deletions/duplications are not detected. For issues to consider in interpretation of sequence analysis results, click here.


Sequence analysis of all RET exons may be performed instead of sequencing of select exons. If sequencing of select exons has been previously performed with no pathogenic variant detected, a multigene panel including RET is recommended (see Establishing the Diagnosis).


Hansford & Mulligan [2000], Kloos et al [2009]


Zbuk & Eng [2007]


Pathogenic variants of codons 618, 620, and 634 each account for 20% to 30% of pathogenic variants. Other pathogenic variants in exons 5, 8, 10, 11, and 13-16 appear to account for a small percentage of pathogenic variants in families with FMTC, with an important minority affecting codons 768 and 804.


Approximately 95% of individuals have a pathogenic variant at codon 918 in exon 16 [Eng et al 1996]. A pathogenic variant in exon 15 has been identified in several affected individuals [Gimm et al 1997, Smith et al 1997].


Pathogenic variants in exons 10 and 11 [Eng et al 1996, Kloos et al 2009]


Pathogenic variants typically detected: p.Met918Thr, p.Ala883Phe. Note: Pathogenic variants included in a panel may vary by laboratory.

Clinical Characteristics

Clinical Description

The endocrine disorders observed in multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) are: medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) and/or its precursor, C-cell hyperplasia (CCH); pheochromocytoma; and parathyroid adenoma or hyperplasia.


Clinical findings. MTC in persons with MEN 2 typically presents at a younger age than sporadic MTC and is more often associated with C-cell hyperplasia as well as multifocality or bilaterality.

  • Symptoms of MTC include neck mass or neck pain prior to age 35 years. Diarrhea (the most frequent systemic symptom) occurs in affected individuals with a plasma calcitonin concentration >10 ng/mL and implies a poor prognosis [Callender et al 2008].
  • Up to 70% of individuals with a palpable thyroid mass or diarrhea already have cervical lymph node metastases [Cohen & Moley 2003]. Metastatic spread to regional lymph nodes (i.e., parathyroid, paratracheal, jugular chain, and upper mediastinum) or to distant sites including the liver, lungs, or bone is also common in symptomatic individuals [Moley et al 1998, Cohen & Moley 2003].
  • About 25%-30% of all individuals with MTC have a germline RET pathogenic variant. In a large series of individuals with simplex medullary thyroid carcinoma (i.e., no known family history of MTC or personal history of other endocrine disease), approximately 7% had a germline RET pathogenic variant [Elisei et al 2007].

Biochemical findings. MTC and CCH are suspected in the presence of an elevated plasma calcitonin concentration, a sensitive and specific marker. In provocative testing, plasma calcitonin concentration is measured before (basal level), then two and five minutes after intravenous administration of calcium (stimulated level). Other calcitonin secretagogues such as pentagastrin (available in Europe, limited in the US) are also used. A basal or stimulated calcitonin level of ≥100 pg/mL is an indication for surgery [Costante et al 2007, Kloos et al 2009].

Note: All individuals with an MTC-predisposing pathogenic variant who have not undergone prophylactic thyroidectomy demonstrate biochemical evidence of MTC by age 35 years [DeLellis et al 2004].

Histology. MTC originates in calcitonin-producing cells (C cells) of the thyroid gland. MTC is diagnosed histologically when nests of C cells appear to extend beyond the basement membrane and to infiltrate and destroy thyroid follicles. Immunohistochemistry for calcitonin expression may be performed as a pathologic diagnostic adjunct.

CCH is diagnosed histologically by the presence of an increased number of diffusely scattered or clustered C cells. In MEN 2, the age of transformation from CCH to MTC varies with different germline RET pathogenic variants [Machens et al 2003].


Clinical findings. Pheochromocytomas in individuals with MEN 2 are nearly always adrenal and often bilateral [Pomares et al 1998, Pacak et al 2005, Thosani et al 2013].

  • Individuals with a confirmed germline RET pathogenic variant who present with head and neck paraganglioma all have a personal and/or family history consistent with MEN 2 [Boedeker et al 2009].
  • Although pheochromocytomas in individuals with MEN 2 rarely metastasize, they can be lethal because of intractable hypertension or anesthesia-induced hypertensive crises.

Biochemical findings. Pheochromocytoma is suspected when biochemical screening reveals elevated excretion of catecholamines and catecholamine metabolites (e.g., norepinephrine, epinephrine, metanephrine, and vanillylmandelic acid [VMA]) in plasma or 24-hour urine collections [Pacak et al 2005, Ilias & Pacak 2009]. In MEN 2, pheochromocytomas consistently produce epinephrine or epinephrine and norepinephrine [Ilias & Pacak 2009].

Imaging. Abdominal MRI and/or CT is performed if plasma or urinary catecholamine values are increased or if a pheochromocytoma is suspected clinically. MRI is more sensitive than CT in detection of a pheochromocytoma.

[18F]-fluorodopamine ([18F]DA) PET is the best overall imaging modality in the localization of pheochromocytomas. If [18F]DA PET is unavailable, MIBG (123I- or 131I-labeled metaiodobenzylguanidine) scintigraphy should be used to further evaluate individuals with biochemical or radiographic evidence of pheochromocytoma [Ilias et al 2008]. 68Ga-DOTATATE-PET-CT results correlate best with biochemical parameters (reviewed in Neumann et al [2019]).

Parathyroid Abnormalities

Clinical findings. Parathyroid abnormalities can range from benign parathyroid adenomas to clinically evident hyperparathyroidism with hypercalcemia and renal stones.

Biochemical findings. Parathyroid abnormalities are present when elevated serum calcium occurs simultaneously with elevated or high-normal parathyroid hormone (PTH).

Imaging. Postoperative parathyroid localizing studies with 99mTc-sestamibi scintigraphy may be helpful if hyperparathyroidism recurs. For preoperative adenoma localization, three-dimensional single-photon emission CT (SPECT) may also be used [Brenner & Jacene 2008].

MEN 2 Phenotypes

MEN 2 is classified into three phenotypes: MEN 2A, FMTC (which is now considered a variant of MEN 2A), and MEN 2B (Table 2). All three phenotypes involve high risk for MTC; individuals with MEN 2A and MEN 2B are at increased risk for pheochromocytoma; individuals with MEN 2A are at increased risk for parathyroid hyperplasia or adenoma. Classifying an individual or family by MEN 2 phenotype is useful for determining prognosis and management.

Table 2.

Percent of Clinical Features by MEN 2 Phenotype

PhenotypeMedullary Thyroid CarcinomaPheochromocytomaParathyroid Disease
MEN 2A95%50%20%-30%
MEN 2B100%50%Uncommon

MEN 2A. The MEN 2A phenotype constitutes approximately 70%-80% of cases of MEN 2. MTC is generally the first manifestation of MEN 2A. Since genetic testing for RET pathogenic variants has become available, it has become apparent that 95% of individuals with MEN 2A develop MTC, about 50% develop pheochromocytoma, and about 20%-30% develop hyperparathyroidism (reviewed by Neumann et al [2019]).

Pheochromocytomas usually present after MTC or concomitantly; however, they are the first sign in 13%-27% of individuals with MEN 2A [Inabnet et al 2000, Rodriguez et al 2008]. Pheochromocytomas in persons with MEN 2A are diagnosed at an earlier age, have subtler symptoms, and are more likely to be bilateral than sporadic tumors [Pomares et al 1998, Pacak et al 2005]. Malignant transformation occurs in about 4% of cases [Modigliani et al 1995]. Since pheochromocytoma can be the first manifestation of MEN 2A, the diagnosis of pheochromocytoma in an individual warrants further investigation for MEN 2A [Neumann et al 2019].

Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) in MEN 2A is typically mild and may range from a single adenoma to marked hyperplasia. Most individuals with hyperparathyroidism have no symptoms; however, hypercalciuria and renal calculi may occur [Brandi et al 2001]. HPT usually presents many years after the diagnosis of MTC; the average age at onset is 38 years [Kloos et al 2009].

A small number of families with MEN 2A have pruritic cutaneous lichen amyloidosis, also known as cutaneous lichen amyloidosis. This lichenoid skin lesion is located over the upper portion of the back and may appear before the onset of MTC [Seri et al 1997].

FMTC. The FMTC phenotype constitutes approximately 10%-20% of cases of MEN 2. By operational definition, MTC is the only clinical manifestation of FMTC. Currently, FMTC is viewed as a variant of MEN 2A with decreased penetrance of pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism, rather than a distinct subtype [Kloos et al 2009].

The age of onset of MTC is later in FMTC and the penetrance of MTC is lower than that observed in MEN 2A and MEN 2B [Eng et al 1996, Machens et al 2001, Machens & Dralle 2006, Zbuk & Eng 2007, Kloos et al 2009]. To avoid erroneously dismissing a risk for pheochromocytoma, strict criteria should be met before a family is classified as having FMTC (see Establishing the Diagnosis, Clinical criteria).

MEN 2B. The MEN 2B phenotype accounts for approximately 5% of cases of MEN 2. MEN 2B is characterized by the early development of an aggressive form of MTC in all affected individuals [Skinner et al 1996]. Individuals with MEN 2B who do not undergo thyroidectomy before age one year are likely to develop metastatic MTC at an early age. Prior to intervention with early prophylactic thyroidectomy, the median age of death in individuals with MEN 2B was 25 years (range: 0.5-66) [Castinetti et al 2019].

Pheochromocytomas occur in 50% of individuals with MEN 2B; about half are multiple and often bilateral. Individuals with an undiagnosed pheochromocytoma may die from a cardiovascular hypertensive crisis perioperatively.

Clinically significant parathyroid disease is absent in MEN 2B.

Individuals with MEN 2B may be identified in infancy or early childhood by a distinctive facial appearance and the presence of mucosal neuromas on the anterior dorsal surface of the tongue, palate, or pharynx. The lips become prominent (or "blubbery") over time, and submucosal nodules may be present on the vermilion border of the lips. Neuromas of the eyelids may cause thickening and eversion of the upper eyelid margins. Prominent thickened corneal nerves may be seen by slit lamp examination.

About 40% of affected individuals have diffuse ganglioneuromatosis of the gastrointestinal tract. Associated symptoms include abdominal distension, megacolon, constipation, or diarrhea. In one study of 19 individuals with MEN 2B, 84% reported gastrointestinal symptoms beginning in infancy or early childhood [Wray et al 2008].

About 75% of affected individuals have a marfanoid habitus, often with kyphoscoliosis or lordosis, joint laxity, and decreased subcutaneous fat. Proximal muscle wasting and weakness can also be seen.

Genotype-Phenotype Correlations

Pathogenic variants involving the cysteine codons 609, 618, and 620 in exon 10 of RET are associated with MEN 2A, FMTC, and HSCR1 [Mulligan et al 1994, Decker et al 1998, Romeo et al 1998, Inoue et al 1999, Takahashi et al 1999]. A pathogenic variant in one of these codons is detected in about 10% of families with MEN 2A and more than 50% of families with FMTC; these pathogenic variants are associated with low transforming activity of RET [Takahashi et al 1998, Hansford & Mulligan 2000].

RET germline pathogenic variant p.Met918Thr is only associated with MEN 2B; however, somatic pathogenic variants at this codon are frequently observed in MTC in individuals with no known family history of MTC, and are overrepresented in individuals with sporadic MTC who have the RET germline variant p.Ser836 [Gimm et al 1999].

Any RET pathogenic variant at codon 634 in exon 11 results in a higher incidence of pheochromocytomas and hyperparathyroidism [Eng et al 1996, Yip et al 2003, Zbuk & Eng 2007, Kloos et al 2009].

  • A report of 12 Brazilian families indicated that p.Cys634Arg is associated with a higher probability of having metastases at diagnosis than other codon 634 pathogenic variants [Puñales et al 2003].
  • Codon 634 pathogenic variants are also associated with development of cutaneous lichen amyloidosis [Seri et al 1997]. Among 25 individuals from three families with a codon 634 pathogenic variant, 36% had cutaneous lichen amyloidosis [Verga et al 2003].
  • While 25% of FMTC kindreds harbor a pathogenic variant in codon 634, p.Cys634Arg pathogenic variants are virtually absent in this subtype [Hansford & Mulligan 2000, Zbuk & Eng 2007].

Pathogenic variants at codons 768, 804, and 891 that were initially only associated with MTC have subsequently been found in families with MEN 2A [Jimenez et al 2004a, Aiello et al 2005, Schulte et al 2010].

  • Initially thought to be associated with MTC only, pathogenic variants at codon 804 in exon 14 (e.g., p.Val804Leu and p.Val804Met) were subsequently identified in individuals with pheochromocytoma [Nilsson et al 1999, Høie et al 2000, Gibelin et al 2004, Jimenez et al 2004a].
  • Disease expression of pathogenic variants at codon 804 has been shown to be highly variable, even within the same family [Feldman et al 2000, Frohnauer & Decker 2000]. Some individuals with such pathogenic variants have had MTC at age five years and fatal metastatic MTC at age 12 years, whereas other individuals with the same pathogenic variant have been shown to have normal thyroid histology at age 27 years, normal biochemical screening at age 40 years, and no clinical evidence of MTC at age 86 years.
  • In another large family with a high level of consanguinity, biochemical testing indicated expression of thyroid disease in individuals homozygous but not heterozygous for p.Val804Met [Lecube et al 2002].
  • Cutaneous lichen amyloidosis in association with a p.Val804Met pathogenic variant has been reported in one individual [Rothberg et al 2009].

One study suggests that in addition to their association with MTC, pathogenic variants in codons 790 or 804 may be associated with papillary thyroid carcinoma [Brauckhoff et al 2002]. In a large Italian family, 40% of family members with a p.Val804Met pathogenic variant who were examined in detail had concomitant medullary and papillary thyroid carcinoma [Shifrin et al 2009].

The American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force has classified pathogenic variants based on their risk for aggressive MTC [Kloos et al 2009]. The classification may be used in (1) predicting phenotype and in (2) recommendations regarding the ages at which to (a) perform prophylactic thyroidectomy and (b) begin biochemical screening for pheochromocytoma and hyperparathyroidism (see Table 3 and Surveillance).


The penetrance for MTC, pheochromocytoma, and parathyroid disease varies by MEN 2 phenotype (see Table 2).


MEN 2A is also referred to as Sipple syndrome.

Mucosal neuroma syndrome is a synonym for MEN 2B. MEN 2B was initially called Wagenmann-Froboese syndrome [Morrison & Nevin 1996].


The prevalence of MEN 2 has been estimated at 1:35,000 [DeLellis et al 2004].

Differential Diagnosis

MTC in individuals with no family history of MTC. Medullary thyroid carcinoma accounts for approximately 10% of new cases of thyroid cancer diagnosed annually in the US. Sporadic MTC tends to be unifocal, have a later age of onset, and lack C-cell hyperplasia (CCH) [Kloos et al 2009].

DNA analysis of MTC tissue revealed a 40%-50% incidence of somatic RET variants in the absence of a RET germline pathogenic variant [Schilling et al 2001, de Groot et al 2006, Dvorakova et al 2008, Elisei et al 2008]. The somatic p.Met918Thr variant is the most common; variants at other codons as well as small in-frame deletions have been reported [de Groot et al 2006]. Tumors with a somatic codon 918 variant appear to be more aggressive [Schilling et al 2001, Elisei et al 2008].

C-cell hyperplasia (CCH). CCH associated with a positive calcitonin stimulation test occurs in about 5% of the general population. Serum calcitonin levels may be elevated in persons with chronic renal failure, sepsis, neuroendocrine tumors of the lung or gastrointestinal tract, hypergastrinemia, mastocytosis, autoimmune thyroid disease, and type 1A pseudohypoparathyroidism [Costante et al 2009].

Secondary CCH has been described occasionally in the setting of aging and hyperparathyroidism. Secondary CCH rarely transforms to MTC and is not related to MEN 2.

Pheochromocytoma. Up to 25% of individuals with pheochromocytoma and no known family history of pheochromocytoma have a heterozygous pathogenic variant in one of several genes: RET, VHL, SDHD, or SDHB [Neumann et al 2002, Bryant et al 2003, Neumann et al 2004]. Approximately 5% of individuals with nonsyndromic pheochromocytoma and no family history of pheochromocytoma were heterozygous for a germline RET pathogenic variant [Neumann et al 2002]. Other pheochromocytoma susceptibility genes including SDHC, TMEM127, MAX, and SDHA further expand the differential diagnosis for nonsyndromic paraganglioma and pheochromocytoma [Peczkowska et al 2008, Burnichon et al 2009, Bayley et al 2010, Burnichon et al 2010, Qin et al 2010, Comino-Méndez et al 2011, Vandy et al 2011]. An algorithm for prioritizing which gene(s) to test is outlined by Erlic et al [2009], Neumann et al [2009], and Welander et al [2011]. However, multigene panels may also be considered for individuals with no syndromic features.

Evaluation of biochemical features can help differentiate MEN 2-associated pheochromocytoma. Pacak et al [2005] compared biochemical profiles for inherited and sporadic pheochromocytoma and found that MEN 2 can be ruled out in pheochromocytomas that exclusively produce normetanephrine.

  • von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) syndrome. Any individual presenting with a pheochromocytoma should be evaluated for VHL syndrome [Erlic et al 2009]. VHL syndrome is characterized by pheochromocytoma, renal cell carcinoma, cerebellar and spinal hemangioblastoma, and retinal angioma.
    Some families with apparent autosomal dominant pheochromocytoma have a germline VHL pathogenic variant in the absence of other clinical manifestations of VHL syndrome [Inabnet et al 2000]. Neumann et al [2002] identified germline VHL pathogenic variants in 11% of individuals with nonsyndromic pheochromocytoma and no family history of pheochromocytoma. However, a US-based study found no pathogenic variants in VHL in individuals with nonsyndromic pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma [Fishbein et al 2013].
  • Hereditary paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma syndrome. Pathogenic variants in the succinate dehydrogenase genes SDHA, SDHB, SDHC, SDHD, and SDHAF2 cause hereditary paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma syndrome. Early studies found that approximately 8.5% of individuals with apparently nonfamilial nonsyndromic pheochromocytoma have a germline pathogenic variant in one of the genes (SDHD or SDHB) encoding the succinate dehydrogenase subunits that cause the hereditary paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma syndromes (reviewed in Neumann et al [2019]). While head and neck paragangliomas are common in individuals with hereditary paraganglioma-pheochromocytoma syndrome, they are extremely rare in MEN 2 [Boedeker et al 2009]. Although pathogenic variants in SDHC initially were thought to only cause head/neck paragangliomas, several cases of SDHC-associated pheochromocytoma have been reported in the literature [Peczkowska et al 2008, Burnichon et al 2009, Vandy et al 2011]. Korpershoek et al [2011] found an SDHA germline pathogenic variant in 3% of individuals with apparently sporadic paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas. The gene SDHAF2 is a rare cause of hereditary head/neck paraganglioma and is not associated with pheochromocytoma [Bayley et al 2010].
  • TMEM127-associated susceptibility to pheochromocytoma (OMIM 613403). Recent studies estimate that 1%-2% of individuals with familial or nonfamilial pheochromocytoma have a germline TMEM127 pathogenic variant [Yao et al 2010, Abermil et al 2012]. A few individuals with a germline TMEM127 pathogenic variant have paragangliomas of the head/neck or at extra-adrenal sites [Neumann et al 2011].
  • MAX-associated susceptibility to pheochromocytoma (OMIM 154950). A MAX germline pathogenic variant is seen in approximately 1% of individuals with familial or nonfamilial pheochromocytoma [Burnichon et al 2012a]. Pheochromocytomas in individuals with MAX pathogenic variants are often bilateral [Burnichon et al 2012b].
  • Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1). Pheochromocytomas are observed on occasion in NF1. Most individuals with NF1 can be diagnosed based on clinical features including multiple café au lait macules, neurofibromas, Lisch nodules, axillary or inguinal freckling, and/or positive family history.
  • Polycythemia and paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma. Germline DNMT3A, EGLN1, EGLN2, EPAS1, FH, HIF2A, IDH1, KIF1B, MDH2, and SLC25A11 pathogenic variants have been identified in individuals with polycythemia and paraganglioma [Lorenzo et al 2013, Taïeb et al 2013, Castro-Vega et al 2014, Cascón et al 2015, Yang et al 2015, Buffet et al 2018, Remacha et al 2018].

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1). This endocrinopathy is genetically and clinically distinct from MEN 2; the similar nomenclature for MEN 1 and MEN 2 may cause confusion. MEN 1 is characterized by a triad of pituitary adenomas, pancreatic islet cell tumors, and parathyroid disease consisting of hyperplasia or adenoma. Affected individuals can also have adrenal cortical tumors, carcinoid tumors, and lipomas [Giraud et al 1998]. MEN 1 is caused by a germline pathogenic variant in MEN1 and inherited in an autosomal dominant manner.

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 4 (MEN 4). While pheochromocytomas developed in the MENX rat model, humans with pathogenic variants in CDKN1B tend to have a phenotype similar to MEN 1, with a high incidence of pituitary tumors and primary hyperparathyroidism [Lee & Pellegata 2013].


Evaluations Following Initial Diagnosis

To establish the extent of disease and needs in an individual diagnosed with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2), the following evaluations are recommended if they have not already been completed:

  • Referral to an endocrinologist
  • Consultation with a clinical geneticist and/or genetic counselor
  • Biochemical evaluations:
    • Plasma calcitonin
    • Plasma catecholamines and metanephrines
    • Serum calcium and parathyroid hormone
  • Evaluation for metastatic disease in individuals with MTC
    • CT with contrast for chest and abdomen
    • MRI of liver in the presence of nodal disease or calcitonin >400 pg/mL

Treatment of Manifestations

Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). Standard treatment for MTC is surgical removal of the thyroid and lymph node dissection [Kloos et al 2009, National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2015]. Current NCCN guidelines recommend consideration of therapeutic external beam radiation therapy or intensity-modulated radiation therapy for incomplete tumor resection or extrathyroidal extension with positive margins [National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2015]. Several kinase inhibitors – vandetanib, cabozantinib, and BLU-667 – have improved progression-free survival and in some cases cause disease regression in unresectable or advanced metastatic MTC [Elisei et al 2013, Wells et al 2013, Subbiah et al 2018].

All individuals who have undergone thyroidectomy need thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

Autotransplantation of parathyroid tissue is not typically performed at the time of thyroidectomy unless there is evidence of hyperparathyroidism [Kloos et al 2009].

Pheochromocytomas detected by biochemical testing and radionuclide imaging are removed by adrenalectomy, which may be performed using video-assisted laparoscopy. Historically, some specialists recommended bilateral adrenalectomy at the time of demonstration of tumor on just a single adrenal gland because of the strong probability that the other adrenal gland would develop a tumor within ten years. However, because of the risk for adrenal insufficiency and Addisonian crisis following bilateral adrenalectomy, most experts now recommend unilateral adrenalectomy in unilateral tumors and cortical-sparing adrenal surgery with close monitoring of the remnant tissue in persons with one remaining adrenal gland or bilateral pheochromocytoma [Kloos et al 2009, Neumann et al 2019].

Hypertensive treatment prior to adrenalectomy often involves the use of α- and β-adrenergic receptor blockade [Pacak et al 2005], although some centers do not pretreat with α-blockade and use nitroprusside to control blood pressure during surgery [Neumann et al 2019].

Parathyroid adenoma or hyperplasia diagnosed at the time of thyroidectomy is treated either with resection of the visibly enlarged parathyroid gland(s), subtotal parathyroidectomy, or total parathyroidectomy with forearm autograft [Kloos et al 2009]. However, in most individuals with MEN 2A, hyperparathyroidism is diagnosed many years after thyroidectomy.

Individuals with biochemical evidence of primary hyperparathyroidism who have undergone prior thyroidectomy should have preoperative localization with excision of the localized hypertrophied parathyroid glands and forearm autotransplantation.

Therapy with medications to control primary hyperparathyroidism should be considered in individuals with a high risk for surgical mortality, limited life expectancy, or persistent or recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism after one or more surgical attempts [Kloos et al 2009].

Prevention of Primary Manifestations

Prophylactic thyroidectomy is the primary preventive measure for individuals with an identified germline RET pathogenic variant [Cohen & Moley 2003, Kloos et al 2009].

Prophylactic thyroidectomy is safe for all age groups; however, the timing of the surgery is controversial [Moley et al 1998]. According to the American Thyroid Association Guidelines Task Force consensus statement, the age at which prophylactic thyroidectomy is performed can be guided by the codon position of the RET pathogenic variant (see Table 3 and Genotype-Phenotype Correlations) [Kloos et al 2009]. However, these guidelines continue to be modified as more data become available.

Table 3.

Risk for Aggressive MTC Based on Genotype and Recommended Interventions

ATA Risk LevelPathogenic Variants 1Age of Prophylactic SurgeryAge to Begin Screening
Level D
(highest risk)
p.[Val804Met;Glu805Lys] 2
p.[Val804Met;Tyr806Cys] 2
p.[Val804Met];Ser904Cys] 2
As soon as possible in 1st year of life8 yrsNA
Level Cp.Cys634Arg
<5 yrs8 yrs8 yrs
Level Bp.Cys609Phe
p.Asp631Tyrp.Cys634_Thr636dup (p.633/9 bp dup