Hemoglobin Sc Disease

Hemoglobin SC disease, is a type of sickle cell disease, which means it affects the shape of the red blood cells. Red blood cells contain a protein called hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying blood throughout the body. People with hemoglobin SC disease have red blood cells that are differently shaped and therefore do not carry oxygen as effectively. Symptoms of hemoglobin SC disease include anemia and episodes of fatigue and extreme pain (vaso-occlusive crisis). The severity of the symptoms can vary from person to person.

Hemoglobin SC disease is caused by mutations in the gene that tells our bodies how to make hemoglobin. These mutations cause changes in the shape of the red blood cells. People affected by hemoglobin SC disease need to be especially careful to avoid infection and should be checked regularly by doctors to make sure all of the organs in the body are functioning properly. In times when the anemia becomes severe, a person affected by hemoglobin SC disease may require a blood transfusion. A bone marrow transplant may also be recommended depending on the severity of the symptoms.