Buerger Disease


Buerger disease is occasionally observed in brothers (Samuel, 1932; McKusick and Harris, 1961) or in father and son (McKusick, unpublished observations). It also has a high frequency in some ethnic groups, e.g., Japanese and Koreans (McKusick and Harris, 1961). De Moerloose et al. (1979) found a deficiency of HLA-B12 in patients with Buerger disease (2.2% vs 28% in controls). Adar et al. (1983) presented evidence for cellular sensitivity to collagen in Buerger disease. This disorder may, like other autoimmune diseases, have a genetic predisposition without a direct 'cause' by a mutant gene.

Olin (2000) suggested that tobacco use plays a central role in the initiation and progression of Buerger disease.

Diehm and Stammler (2001) suggested that in addition to tobacco use, hyperhomocysteinemia (see 603174) may be an important factor in Buerger disease.