Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis

Clinical characteristics.
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypoPP) is a condition in which affected individuals may experience paralytic episodes with concomitant hypokalemia (serum potassium <3.5 mmol/L). The paralytic attacks are characterized by decreased muscle tone (flaccidity) more marked proximally than distally with normal to decreased deep tendon reflexes. The episodes develop over minutes to hours and last several minutes to several days with spontaneous recovery.
Some individuals have only one episode in a lifetime; more commonly, crises occur repeatedly: daily, weekly, monthly, or less often. The major triggering factors are cessation of effort following strenuous exercise and carbohydrate-rich evening meals. Additional triggers can include cold, stress/excitement/fear, salt intake, prolonged immobility, use of glucosteroids or alcohol, and anesthetic procedures. The age of onset of the first attack ranges from two to 30 years; the duration of paralytic episodes ranges from one to 72 hours with an average of nearly 24 hours. Long-lasting interictal muscle weakness may occur in some affected individuals and in some stages of the disease and in myopathic muscle changes. A myopathy may occur independent of paralytic symptoms and may be the sole manifestation of hypoPP.
The diagnosis of hypoPP is established in a proband who meets the consensus diagnostic criteria based on a history of attacks of muscle weakness associated with documented serum potassium <3.5 mmol/L during attacks and/or the identification of a heterozygous pathogenic variant in CACNA1S or SCN4A. Of all individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for hypoPP, approximately 30% do not have a pathogenic variant identified in either of these known genes.
In the case of long-lasting interictal flaccid muscle weakness, imaging techniques can inform on the pathogenesis, potential therapy, and prognosis. Muscle ultrasound and muscle 1H-MRI are reliable image techniques with high accuracy for the disease. The weakness can be caused by edemas, fatty muscle degeneration, and muscle atrophy or a combination of these pathologies.
Treatment of manifestations. Treatment varies depending on the intensity and duration of the paralytic attack. Minor attacks may resolve spontaneously. Moderate attacks may be self-treated in a non-medical setting by ingestion of oral potassium salts. Severe attacks typically require more intensive medical management with intravenous potassium infusion, serial measurement of serum potassium concentration, clinical evaluation of possible respiratory involvement, and continuous electrocardiogram monitoring. There is no known curative treatment for hypoPP-related myopathy; physiotherapy may help to maintain strength and motor skills.
Prevention of primary manifestations. The goal of preventive treatment is to reduce the frequency and intensity of paralytic attacks. This may be achieved by avoidance of triggering factors, adherence to a diet low in sodium and carbohydrate and rich in potassium, and with the use of oral potassium supplementation. If dietary intervention and oral potassium supplementation are not effective in preventing attacks, treatment with a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (acetazolamide or dichlorphenamide) may be necessary. If carbonic anhydrase inhibitors are not tolerated or not effective after prolonged use, alternatives include potassium-sparing diuretics such as triamterene, spironolactone, or eplerenone.
Prevention of secondary complications. Creating a safe environment, getting help in case of paralytic attack, and preventing falls and accidents are critical; an affected person experiencing a paralytic attack must have access to potassium as well as physical assistance and companions must be informed of the risk in order to enable rapid treatment. Anesthetic complications should be prevented by strict control of serum potassium concentration, avoidance of large glucose and salt load, maintenance of body temperature and acid-base balance, and careful use of neuromuscular blocking agents with continuous monitoring of neuromuscular function. It is unknown whether prevention of paralytic attacks also prevents the development of myopathy. Individuals with known pathogenic variants in one of the genes associated with hypoPP who developed myopathy without having experienced episodes of weakness have been reported.
Surveillance. The frequency of consultations is adapted to the individual's signs/symptoms and response to preventive treatment. Periodic neurologic examination with attention to muscle strength in the legs should be performed to detect long-lasting weakness associated with myopathy. For those taking acetazolamide, the following are indicated every three months: complete blood count; electrolytes; and glucose, uric acid, and liver enzyme levels. Renal ultrasound should be performed annually.
Agents/circumstances to avoid. Factors that trigger paralytic attacks (e.g., unusually strenuous effort, carbohydrate-rich meals or sweets, cold, stress/excitement/fear, high salt intake, prolonged immobility, oral or intravenous glucosteroids, certain anesthetic procedures, alcohol) should be avoided when possible.
Evaluation of relatives at risk. When the family-specific pathogenic variant is known, molecular genetic testing of at-risk asymptomatic family members can identify those at risk for unexpected acute paralysis and/or possible anesthetic complications.
Genetic counseling.
HypoPP is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Most individuals diagnosed with hypoPP have an affected parent. The proportion of cases caused by a de novo pathogenic variant is unknown. Offspring of a proband are at a 50% risk of inheriting the pathogenic variant. Penetrance is about 90% in males and reduced in females. Once the pathogenic variant has been identified in an affected family member, prenatal testing for a pregnancy at increased risk and preimplantation genetic testing are possible.
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypoPP) can be a primary condition or a symptom of an overarching syndrome or disease (see Differential Diagnosis). This GeneReview focuses on primary hypoPP resulting from a genetic ion channel abnormality.
Suggestive Findings
HypoPP should be suspected in individuals who describe episodic paralytic attacks with the following symptoms and signs (Note: Strictly speaking, "periodic" is a misnomer, as the attacks do not occur at regular intervals; "episodic" is a better descriptor.):
- Decreased muscle tone (flaccidity)
- Bilateral, symmetric, ascending (lower limbs affected before upper limbs) paralysis that is more marked in proximal than in distal muscles with sparing of the cranial muscles
- Deep tendon reflexes that are normal or decreased and plantar reflexes that are normal (downward movement of toes)
- Concomitant hypokalemia that is usually pronounced (0.9-3.5 mmol/L)
The typical evolution of symptoms is as follows:
- Rapid installation (over minutes or over hours)
- Duration of several minutes to several days
- Spontaneous recovery
Symptoms tend to occur under the following circumstances:
- At rest after strong physical exertion
- With fever
- At times of mental stress
- On awakening after a carbohydrate-rich meal the previous evening
- After prolonged immobility (e.g., with long-distance travel)
Suspicion for hypoPP is also raised in individuals who have
- A familial history of paralytic attack in earlier generations (father or mother, grandfather or grandmother) and in sibs;
- A personal history of previous spontaneously regressive episodes of paralysis or acute muscle weakness with the above-mentioned characteristics;
- Long-lasting flaccid weakness, especially if the weakness is only moderate and is prevalent in the family.
Establishing the Diagnosis
The diagnosis of hypoPP is established in a proband who meets the consensus diagnostic criteria for primary hypokalemic periodic paralysis as published in a Cochrane review [Sansone et al 2008] and/or with the identification of a heterozygous pathogenic variant in one of the genes listed in Table 1.
Consensus diagnostic criteria
- Two or more attacks of muscle weakness with documented serum potassium <3.5 mEq/LOR
- One attack of muscle weakness in the proband and one attack of weakness in one relative with documented serum potassium <3.5 mEq/LOR
- Three or more of the following six clinical/laboratory features:
- Onset in the first or second decade
- Duration of attack (muscle weakness involving ≥1 limbs) longer than two hours
- The presence of triggers (previous carbohydrate rich meal, symptom onset during rest after exercise, stress)
- Improvement in symptoms with potassium intake
- A family history of the condition or genetically confirmed skeletal calcium or sodium channel mutation
- Positive long exercise test (see Clinical Testing Available; pdf)
AND - Exclusion of other causes of hypokalemia (renal, adrenal, thyroid dysfunction; renal tubular acidosis; diuretic and laxative abuse)
In individuals who have had one or more paralytic episodes, several tests can be used to differentiate between primary hypoPP and the other possible causes.
See Clinical Testing Available (pdf) if the diagnosis is less apparent.
Atypical clinical presentation. In some individuals, hypoPP may present solely as long-lasting weakness due to a progressive limb-girdle myopathy with no history of paralytic episodes. The diagnosis may be considered if paralytic episodes are present in family members, whereas in simplex cases (i.e., a single occurrence in a family) the diagnosis is often revealed only after muscle biopsy (see Clinical Description).
Molecular genetic testing approaches can include a combination of gene-targeted testing (multigene panel) and comprehensive genomic testing (exome sequencing, genome sequencing) depending on the phenotype.
Gene-targeted testing requires that the clinician determine which gene(s) are likely involved, whereas genomic testing does not. Because the phenotype of hypoPP is broad, individuals with the distinctive findings described in Suggestive Findings are likely to be diagnosed using gene-targeted testing (see Option 1), whereas those in whom the diagnosis of hypoPP has not been considered are more likely to be diagnosed using genomic testing (see Option 2).
Option 1
When the phenotypic and laboratory findings suggest the diagnosis of hypoPP, the recommended approach is the use of a multigene panel.
A multigene panel that includes CACNA1S, SCN4A, and other genes of interest (see Differential Diagnosis) is most likely to identify the genetic cause of the condition at the most reasonable cost while limiting identification of variants of uncertain significance and pathogenic variants in genes that do not explain the underlying phenotype. Note: (1) The genes included in the panel and the diagnostic sensitivity of the testing used for each gene vary by laboratory and are likely to change over time. (2) Some multigene panels may include genes not associated with the condition discussed in this GeneReview. (3) In some laboratories, panel options may include a custom laboratory-designed panel and/or custom phenotype-focused exome analysis that includes genes specified by the clinician. (4) Methods used in a panel may include sequence analysis, deletion/duplication analysis, and/or other non-sequencing-based tests. Given the dominant-negative mechanism of disease and lack of reported large deletions or duplications in the genes associated with hypoPP, a multigene panel that also includes deletion/duplication analysis is not typically recommended.
For an introduction to multigene panels click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genetic tests can be found here.
Option 2
When the diagnosis of hypoPP is not considered because an individual has atypical phenotypic features, comprehensive genomic testing (which does not require the clinician to determine which gene[s] are likely involved) is the best option. Exome sequencing is the most commonly used genomic testing method; genome sequencing is also possible.
For an introduction to comprehensive genomic testing click here. More detailed information for clinicians ordering genomic testing can be found here.
Table 1.
Molecular Genetic Testing Used in Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
Gene 1, 2 | Proportion of HypoPP Attributed to Pathogenic Variants in Gene | Proportion of Pathogenic Variants 3 Detectable by Method | |
Sequence analysis 4 | Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis 5 | ||
CACNA1S | ~40%-60% 6 | ~100% | Unknown 7 |
SCN4A | 7%-14% 6 | ~100% | Unknown 7 |
Unknown | ~30% 8 | NA |
- 1.
Genes are listed in alphabetic order.
- 2.
See Table A. Genes and Databases for chromosome locus and protein.
- 3.
See Molecular Genetics for information on allelic variants detected in this gene.
- 4.
Sequence analysis detects variants that are benign, likely benign, of uncertain significance, likely pathogenic, or pathogenic. Variants may include small intragenic deletions/insertions and missense, nonsense, and splice site variants; typically, exon or whole-gene deletions/duplications are not detected. For issues to consider in interpretation of sequence analysis results, click here.
- 5.
Gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis detects intragenic deletions or duplications. Methods used may include quantitative PCR, long-range PCR, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and a gene-targeted microarray designed to detect single-exon deletions or duplications.
- 6.
Miller et al [2004], Jurkat-Rott et al [2009], Matthews et al [2011]
- 7.
No data on detection rate of gene-targeted deletion/duplication analysis are available.
- 8.
Author, personal observation
Clinical Characteristics
Clinical Description
Large-scale studies of the natural history of primary hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypoPP) have not been performed. Thus, knowledge of the natural history relies largely on personal observations and on individual cases that have been published with a retrospective description of the individual disease history.
Pattern of attacks. The natural history and expressivity vary greatly over time. Frequency ranges from a single occurrence of a paralytic attack that may be triggered by exceptional circumstances (extreme physical effort, specific medical intervention) to spontaneous recurrent attacks of variable frequency (ranging from multiple attacks daily to less frequent attacks). The pattern of recurrent attacks may be linked more or less to identifiable temporal and behavioral circumstances, and may evolve over years.
Triggers of paralytic attacks. There may be identifiable triggers for paralytic attacks in hypoPP. In cohort studies by Miller et al [2004] and Cavel-Greant et al [2012], affected individuals were given a list of triggers and asked which trigger applied to their own case:
- Cessation of effort following strenuous exercise (e.g., football match) may trigger a paralytic attack. Approximately 67% of affected individuals identified exercise as a trigger.
- Carbohydrate-rich evening meals followed by nocturnal rest may result in an immobilizing paralytic attack in the morning. Approximately 45% of affected individuals identified heavy meals or sweets as a trigger.
- Cold. In ~24%. Re-warming usually recovers muscle strength.
- Stress/excitement/fear/epinephrine. In ~12%. Stress, excitement, or fear results in the body producing epinephrine, which makes episodes of paralysis more likely in some individuals. This appears to be due to the effect of epinephrine in reducing blood potassium.
- Salt intake. In ~11%. One of the most potent triggers of hypokalemic periodic paralysis is consumption of sodium chloride. The salt effect is far less known than the carbohydrate trigger. For many people it is easier to reduce salt than it is to reduce carbohydrates. Many foods contain huge amounts of salt, particularly snacks and tomato sauce. Soda drinks that contain both sodium and sugar are a particular problem.
- Prolonged immobility is a trigger for most affected individuals. "To keep moving" is the general clinical recommendation.
- Use of glucosteroids, especially parenterally, can trigger an attack.
- Anesthesia/ICU. During anesthesia there are many changes that can contribute to paralysis, including cooling, glucose, mannitol, sodium, and certain anesthetics such as succinylcholine, the risk for which requires preventive measures and careful anesthetic follow up (see Management). It is not clear that people with hypoPP are at any increased risk for malignant hyperthermia.
- Alcohol. It is unclear why alcohol sometimes triggers periodic paralysis. It could be from electrolyte imbalance, dehydration, or increased exercise or dietary indiscretion that often accompanies the inebriated state.
Age of onset of paralytic attacks. Three cohort studies have addressed this issue [Sternberg et al 2001, Miller et al 2004, Cavel-Greant et al 2012].
- The age of the first paralytic attack in affected individuals who develop repetitive attacks ranges from age two years to 30 years, with a mean age of onset of 14 years. Occasionally, clinical manifestations can be present at birth [Chabrier et al 2008].
- Disease onset is not likely after age 30 years.
- Age of symptom onset is correlated with sex (younger age of onset for girls than for boys).
Frequency of paralytic episodes
- In a cohort study by Miller et al [2004], the mean frequency of paralytic attacks was seven per month (2/week), with a range of one attack per day to one attack every four months.
- It was formerly assumed that the frequency of attacks peaks and then decreases with age, but in a recent survey only 21% of the patients reported decreased frequency with age [Cavel-Greant et al 2012].
Duration of paralytic episodes
- In the cohort study by Miller et al [2004], the duration of a paralytic episode ranged from one hour to 72 hours, with a mean duration of nearly 24 hours.
- Paralytic episodes may be followed by a period of weakness, obscuring the precise resolution of the attack.
Potassium levels during paralytic episodes
- The mean level of serum potassium during attacks was reported as 1.8 mmol/L in a cohort study by Sternberg et al [2001] and as 2.3 mmol/L in a cohort study by Miller et al [2004]. The lowest reported value was 1.2 mmol/L.
- Occasionally, normal potassium values are noted. The ictal potassium level depends on the pathogenic variant (see Molecular Pathogenesis).
Respiratory involvement and fatal outcome. The involvement of respiratory muscles during paralytic attacks is a rare but life-threatening complication of primary hypoPP. There are three possible life-threatening elements of paralytic attacks:
- Hypokalemia leading to possible cardiac dysrhythmia
- Weakness or paralysis of respiratory muscles leading to acute respiratory insufficiency
- Inability to move that can lead to death if it occurs in a hostile environment (i.e., drowning if the paralytic attack occurs in a swimming pool)
Long-lasting interictal flaccid weakness. Most individuals have normal muscle strength and physical activity during the interictal period (i.e., between paralytic attacks), but in some affected individuals and in some stages of the disease, there may be long-lasting weakness manifesting as abortive paralytic attacks occurring in rapid succession over a long period (weeks, months). Such attacks may respond to treatment with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors or aldosterone inhibitors (see Treatment of Manifestations).
- The frequency of long-lasting interictal muscle weakness is not known with certainty. It was present in all 11 affected individuals from the same family ranging from age 33 to 74 years [Links et al 1990] and in 28% of a study group with a mean age of 39 years (range 8-66 years) [Sternberg et al 2001]. It is suspected that a long-lasting interictal weakness is the result of a permanent increased Na+ uptake of the muscle fibers due to the omega current, the leak current that passes through the voltage sensor domain of an abnormal voltage-gated cation channel.
- From a survey in which participants were recruited by a patient support group, Cavel-Greant et al [2012] found that 90% of 46 individuals (mean age 55 years) with a clinical diagnosis of hypoPP reported fatigue and difficulties with daily activities and mild exercise. Sixty-seven percent of these individuals had incurred injuries due to falls and nearly 50% needed mobility aids.
- As no longitudinal prospective study has been performed, the risk for long-lasting interictal muscle weakness as it pertains to age and the particular pathogenic variant present is unknown.
Myopathy. The development of more permanent fixed weakness due to myopathic muscle changes (fibrosis and fatty replacement) appears to vary widely from one individual to another. The myopathy may occur independent of paralytic attacks. Rarely, early signs of myopathy (e.g., Achilles' tendon shortening or scoliosis) may be present in childhood – possibly the result of more severe pathogenic variants.
In the case of long-lasting interictal flaccid muscle weakness, imaging techniques can inform on the pathogenesis, potential therapy, and prognosis. Muscle ultrasound and muscle 1H-MRI are reliable image techniques with high accuracy for the disease. The weakness can be caused by edemas, fatty muscle degeneration, and muscle atrophy or a combination of these pathologies.
Muscle histology. Typically, a muscle biopsy is not performed in the evaluation for hypoPP and histologic findings associated with the myopathy in hypoPP may depend on the specific pathogenic variant. In individuals with the p.Arg528His CACNA1S variant, the usual finding is vacuoles. Two male members of a family with the p.Arg672Gly SCNA4 variant presented only with tubular aggregates [Sternberg et al 2001].
Weakness without paralytic attacks. In some individuals, hypoPP may present solely with long-lasting weakness due to a progressive limb-girdle myopathy with no history of paralytic episodes.
Additional symptoms that can co-occur with hypokalemic periodic paralysis. People with genetically proven hypoPP often have other symptoms in addition to the paralysis:
- Pain (by some reports, more commonly associated with sodium-triggered episodes)
- Cramps
Among the 30% of people who appear to have hypoPP but do not have pathogenic variants in either of the genes known to be associated with hypoPP, the following are often noted:
- Migraines
- Heart rhythm abnormalities
- Attention deficit disorder (ADD, ADHD)
- Relative insensitivity to the local anesthetic lidocaine and "dental anxiety"
- Severe premenstrual syndrome
Genotype-Phenotype Correlations
There are no clear cut genotype-phenotype correlations for either of the genes known to be associated with hypoPP.
In general, the penetrance of this disorder is high (≥90%) in males and reduced in females. An exception to this occurs with pathogenic variants with an arginine-to-glycine substitution for which high penetrance in males and females is noted [Kim et al 2005, Wang et al 2005, Winczewska-Wiktor et al 2007].
Names for hypokalemic periodic paralysis no longer in use include the following:
- Cavaré-Romberg syndrome
- Cavaré-Westphal syndrome
- Cavaré-Romberg-Westphal syndrome
- Westphal's disease
- Westphal's neurosis
Hypokalemic periodic paralysis was formerly most often known as Westphal's disease, as Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal (1833-1890) first described extensively and convincingly the main characteristics of the disease, which had previously been described as "periodic palsy" by Musgrave in 1727, Cavaré in 1853, and Romberg in 1857. Hartwig reported a case of palsy with muscle inexcitability provoked by rest after exercise in 1875. Westphal described a simplex case (i.e., single occurrence in a family); it was not until 1887 that a dominant pedigree was described by Cousot.
Familial versus sporadic hypoPP. Hypokalemic periodic paralysis may be familial (f-hypoPP) or sporadic (s-hypoPP), meaning that the affected individual has no known family history of hypoPP. Sporadic cases may be the result of a de novo variant, of pathogenic variants with incomplete penetrance in other family members with the variant, or of other as-yet unexplained factors. Pathogenic variants in the same genes may lead to either f-hypoPP or s-hypoPP.
HypoPP1 versus hypoPP2. HypoPP1 and hypoPP2 are hypokalemic periodic paralysis linked respectively to CACNA1S and SCN4A pathogenic variants. Some authors use the terms "hypoPP type 1" and "hypoPP type 2." However, this could wrongly suggest that there are two clinical types of hypoPP. In fact, hypoPP1 and hypoPP2 are not distinct clinically.
The prevalence of hypoPP is unknown but thought to be approximately 1:100,000 [Statland et al 2018]. However, a demographic survey in England, relying on the data of the national specialist channelopathy service, reported a minimum point prevalence of 0.13:100,000 (95% CI 0.10-0.17) [Horga et al 2013].
Differential Diagnosis
The following signs and symptoms suggest a diagnosis other than hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypoPP):
- Associated sensory symptoms, including pain or tenderness
- Sensory loss could suggest polyneuropathy such as Guillain-Barré syndrome.
- Pain could suggest myositis; however, some individuals with hypoPP report paralytic episodes as painful.
- Urinary retention or constipation, which may be observed in other causes of acute or subacute paralysis, but can occur rarely in hypoPP
- Associated symptoms that suggest myasthenia or involvement of the neuromuscular junction, including:
- Ptosis
- Diplopia
- Dysphagia
- Dysarthria
- Alteration or loss of consciousness
- Abnormal movement
- History of fever days before an attack, which could suggest poliomyelitis or other virus-caused paralysis
- History of back pain days before an attack, which could suggest acute transverse myelitis
- History of tick bite, which could suggest tick paralysis
HypoPP is the most common cause of periodic paralysis. The four major differential diagnoses are normokalemic potassium-sensitive periodic paralysis (normoPP), hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (hyperPP), thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP), and Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS) (see Table 3).
Table 3.
The Different Categories of Periodic Paralyses (PP) with Membrane Excitability Disorder and Associated Findings
HypoPP | NormoPP | HyperPP | TPP 1 | ATS | |
Main clinical features | Weakness episodes lasting hrs to days w/concomitant hypokalemia | Weakness episodes lasting hrs to days w/concomitant normokalemia | Weakness episodes lasting mins to hrs w/concomitant normo- or hyperkalemia | Identical to that of the paralytic episodes of hypoPP | Episodic, periodic paralysis, ventricular arrhythmias, prolonged QT interval, characteristic anomalies 2 |
Age at first attacks | Late in 1st decade or in 2nd decade | Late in 1st decade or in 2nd decade | 1st years of life | Variable, dependent on onset of thyrotoxicosis | Late in 1st decade or in 2nd decade (usually after cardial events) |
Main triggers | Rest after exercise, carbohydrate rich meal, salt intake, stress, cold | Rest after exercise, carbohydrate rich meal, salt intake, stress, cold | Cold, rest after exercise, stress, fatigue, alcohol, hunger, changes in activity level, potassium in food, specific foods | Thyrotoxicosis | Prolonged rest, rest after exertion |
EMG: myotonic discharges | No | Some | Some | No | No |
EMG tests | Late decrement w/LET (Pattern IV, V) | Late decrement w/LET (Pattern IV, V) | Pattern IV, V | Initial CMAP increase + decline | Variable (CMAP increase + decline, normal CMAP + decline etc) |
Extramuscular expression | None | None | None | Possible manifestations of thyrotoxicosis | Cardiac arrhythmia; Dysmorphy |
Prevention of paralysis attacks | ACZ, DCP | ACZ, DCP | ACZ, DCP | Normal thyroid function | ACZ, DCP |
Curative treatment | None | None | None | Treatment of thyroid disorder | None |
Known causal or susceptibility gene(s) | CACNA1S; SCN4A | SCN4A | SCN4A | KCNJ18 | KCNJ2 |
Defective ion channel(s) | Cav 1.1; Nav 1.4; Kir 6.2 | Nav 1.4 | Nav 1.4 | Kir 6.2 | Kir 2.1 |
ACZ = acetazolamide; CMAP = compound muscle action potential; DCP = dichlorphenamide; LET = long exercise test; SET = short exercise test
- 1.
OMIM 613239
- 2.
ATS anomalies include low-set ears, widely spaced eyes, small mandible, fifth-digit clinodactyly, syndactyly, short stature, and scoliosis.
Normo- and hyperkalemic paralysis (normo/hyperPP) differ in several ways from hypoPP:
- Serum concentration of potassium during the paralytic attacks is normal or elevated.
- Some triggering factors for hypoPP attacks (e.g., carbohydrate-rich meals) are not found.
- Age of onset of paralytic attacks is lower.
- Duration of attacks is assumed to be shorter. However, this is questionable, according to surveys of affected individuals.
- Electromyography shows myotonic discharges in most individuals between attacks; however, the response patterns for short exercise test (SET) and long exercise test (LET) may be indiscernible; i.e., pattern IV or V defined by Fournier et al [2004] may be caused by both hypokalemic and normo/hyperkalemic periodic paralysis.
- In normokalemic PP, the reaction to oral potassium administration may be different than for hypoPP – anything from amelioration to worsening of the weakness [Jurkat-Rott et al 2012].
Usually, the distinction between hypoPP and normo/hyperPP can be made on the basis of clinical, biologic (i.e., kalemia during an attack), and EMG findings and confirmed by molecular genetic testing [Miller et al 2004, Vicart et al 2004, Fan et al 2013].
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) (OMIM 613239) is most often not familial, but in some instances there may be a familial predisposition. The clinical and biologic picture of TPP is identical to that of the paralytic episodes of hypoPP. Furthermore, the EMG response patterns for SETs and LETs (i.e., patterns IV or V defined by Fournier et al [2004]) for familial genetic hypoPP and TPP are identical when thyrotoxicosis is present. Males of Asian origin, and possibly people of Latin American and African American origin, are assumed to be at greater risk than people of other ethnic/racial origins for developing periodic paralysis as a consequence of thyrotoxicosis.
Although TPP is not usually caused by classic hypoPP-causing pathogenic variants [Dias da Silva et al 2002, Ng et al 2004], the association of TPP with genetically defined hypoPP and normoPP has been reported [Lane et al 2004, Vicart et al 2004]. An association with CACNA1S 5'UTR and intronic SNPs has been suggested but not confirmed [Kung et al 2004]. A pathogenic variant in an inwardly rectifying potassium (Kir) channel (encoded by KCNJ18) was identified in approximately one third of affected individuals in one series [Ryan et al 2010].
Because thyrotoxicosis may be a precipitating factor of genetically defined hypokalemic or normokalemic periodic paralysis [Lane et al 2004, Vicart et al 2004], the following should be measured in anyone with weakness and hypokalemia:
- Plasma thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) (reference range: 0.45-4.5 µU/mL)
- Free thyroxine (FT4) (reference range: 8.0-20.0 pg/mL)
- Free triiodothyronine (FT3) (reference range: 1.4-4.0 pg/mL)
Note: (1) Low TSH together with high FT3 and FT4 are diagnostic of hyperthyroidism. Treatment of hyperthyroidism cures TPP. (2) TPP is distinct from hypokalemic periodic paralysis (hypoPP); however, at least two instances of genetically diagnosed familial hypoPP for which hyperthyroidism was an additional trigger for hypokalemic paralytic episodes have been reported [Lane et al 2004, Vicart et al 2004].
Andersen-Tawil syndrome (ATS) is characterized by a triad of episodic flaccid muscle weakness (i.e., periodic paralysis), ventricular arrhythmias and prolonged QT interval, and anomalies including low-set ears, widely spaced eyes, small mandible, fifth-digit clinodactyly, syndactyly, short stature